Monday, March 28, 2016

Nuevos incidentes de niños con los ojos totalmente negros

El hombre que descubrió la moneda secreta de los hombres de negro

AC5300 Ultra Wi-Fi Router vs LINKSYS EA9500 MAX STREAM™

Linksys EA9500 Max-Stream™ AC5400 Tri-Band Wi-Fi Router - HeroImage

Linksys EA9500 Ports

This is why I will vote for Donald Trump: HEALTHCARE REFORM


Since March of 2010, the American people have had to suffer under the incredible economic burden of the Affordable Care Act—Obamacare. This legislation, passed by totally partisan votes in the House and Senate and signed into law by the most divisive and partisan President in American history, has tragically but predictably resulted in runaway costs, websites that don’t work, greater rationing of care, higher premiums, less competition and fewer choices. Obamacare has raised the economic uncertainty of every single person residing in this country. As it appears Obamacare is certain to collapse of its own weight, the damage done by the Democrats and President Obama, and abetted by the Supreme Court, will be difficult to repair unless the next President and a Republican congress lead the effort to bring much-needed free market reforms to the healthcare industry.
But none of these positive reforms can be accomplished without Obamacare repeal. On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.
However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country. By following free market principles and working together to create sound public policy that will broaden healthcare access, make healthcare more affordable and improve the quality of the care available to all Americans.
Any reform effort must begin with Congress. Since Obamacare became law, conservative Republicans have been offering reforms that can be delivered individually or as part of more comprehensive reform efforts. In the remaining sections of this policy paper, several reforms will be offered that should be considered by Congress so that on the first day of the Trump Administration, we can start the process of restoring faith in government and economic liberty to the people.
Congress must act. Our elected representatives in the House and Senate must:
  1. Completely repeal Obamacare. Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.
  2. Modify existing law that inhibits the sale of health insurance across state lines. As long as the plan purchased complies with state requirements, any vendor ought to be able to offer insurance in any state. By allowing full competition in this market, insurance costs will go down and consumer satisfaction will go up.
  3. Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system. Businesses are allowed to take these deductions so why wouldn’t Congress allow individuals the same exemptions? As we allow the free market to provide insurance coverage opportunities to companies and individuals, we must also make sure that no one slips through the cracks simply because they cannot afford insurance. We must review basic options for Medicaid and work with states to ensure that those who want healthcare coverage can have it.
  4. Allow individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Contributions into HSAs should be tax-free and should be allowed to accumulate. These accounts would become part of the estate of the individual and could be passed on to heirs without fear of any death penalty. These plans should be particularly attractive to young people who are healthy and can afford high-deductible insurance plans. These funds can be used by any member of a family without penalty. The flexibility and security provided by HSAs will be of great benefit to all who participate.
  5. Require price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organizations like clinics and hospitals. Individuals should be able to shop to find the best prices for procedures, exams or any other medical-related procedure.
  6. Block-grant Medicaid to the states. Nearly every state already offers benefits beyond what is required in the current Medicaid structure. The state governments know their people best and can manage the administration of Medicaid far better without federal overhead. States will have the incentives to seek out and eliminate fraud, waste and abuse to preserve our precious resources.
  7. Remove barriers to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe, reliable and cheaper products. Congress will need the courage to step away from the special interests and do what is right for America. Though the pharmaceutical industry is in the private sector, drug companies provide a public service. Allowing consumers access to imported, safe and dependable drugs from overseas will bring more options to consumers.
The reforms outlined above will lower healthcare costs for all Americans. They are simply a place to start. There are other reforms that might be considered if they serve to lower costs, remove uncertainty and provide financial security for all Americans. And we must also take actions in other policy areas to lower healthcare costs and burdens. Enforcing immigration laws, eliminating fraud and waste and energizing our economy will relieve the economic pressures felt by every American. It is the moral responsibility of a nation’s government to do what is best for the people and what is in the interest of securing the future of the nation.
Providing healthcare to illegal immigrants costs us some $11 billion annually. If we were to simply enforce the current immigration laws and restrict the unbridled granting of visas to this country, we could relieve healthcare cost pressures on state and local governments.
To reduce the number of individuals needing access to programs like Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program we will need to install programs that grow the economy and bring capital and jobs back to America. The best social program has always been a job – and taking care of our economy will go a long way towards reducing our dependence on public health programs.
Finally, we need to reform our mental health programs and institutions in this country. Families, without the ability to get the information needed to help those who are ailing, are too often not given the tools to help their loved ones. There are promising reforms being developed in Congress that should receive bi-partisan support.
To reform healthcare in America, we need a President who has the leadership skills, will and courage to engage the American people and convince Congress to do what is best for the country. These straightforward reforms, along with many others I have proposed throughout my campaign, will ensure that together we will Make America Great Again.

Reforma de salud hacer de Estados Unidos grande otra vez

Desde marzo de 2010, el pueblo estadounidense ha tenido que sufrir bajo la carga económica increíble de la Ley de Asistencia Asequible-Obamacare. Esta legislación, aprobada por votos totalmente partidistas en la Cámara y el Senado y promulgada por el presidente que más ha dividido y partidario de la historia estadounidense, trágicamente, pero previsiblemente se ha traducido en costos fuera de control, los sitios web que no funcionan, mayor racionamiento de la atención, mayor primas, menos competencia y menos opciones. Obamacare ha elevado la incertidumbre económica de cada una de las personas que residen en este país. Tal como aparece Obamacare es cierto al colapso de su propio peso, el daño hecho por el presidente Obama y los demócratas, e instigado por el Tribunal Supremo, será difícil de reparar a menos que el próximo Presidente y un Congreso republicano conducen el esfuerzo de llevar mucho- se necesita reformas de libre mercado en la industria de la salud.

Pero ninguna de estas reformas positivas se puede lograr sin Obamacare derogación. En el primer día de la Administración Trump, vamos a pedir al Congreso de presentar inmediatamente la derogación completa de Obamacare.

Sin embargo, no es suficiente simplemente derogar esta terrible legislación. Vamos a trabajar con el Congreso para asegurarnos de que tenemos una serie de reformas listos para su aplicación que siguen los principios del libre mercado y que se pueda restablecer la libertad económica y la seguridad de todos en este país. Siguiendo los principios del libre mercado y trabajar juntos para crear una política pública sólida que va a ampliar el acceso a la asistencia sanitaria, la asistencia sanitaria sea más asequible y mejorar la calidad de la atención disponible para todos los estadounidenses.

Cualquier esfuerzo de reforma debe comenzar con el Congreso. Desde Obamacare se convirtió en ley, los republicanos conservadores han estado ofreciendo reformas que se pueden entregar de forma individual o como parte de los esfuerzos de reforma más amplios. En las secciones restantes de este documento de política, varias reformas serán ofrecidos que debe ser considerado por el Congreso de manera que el primer día de la Administración Trump, podemos iniciar el proceso de restauración de la fe en el gobierno y la libertad económica de las personas.

El Congreso debe actuar. Nuestros representantes elegidos en la Cámara y el Senado deben:

Completamente derogar Obamacare. Nuestros representantes elegidos deben eliminar el mandato individual. Nadie debe ser obligado a comprar un seguro a menos que él o ella quiere.
Modificar la legislación existente que inhibe la venta de seguros de salud a través de las fronteras estatales. Mientras el plan adquirido cumple con los requisitos del estado, ningún proveedor debe ser capaz de ofrecer un seguro en cualquier estado. Al permitir la plena competencia en este mercado, los costos de seguro van a bajar y la satisfacción del consumidor subirán.
Permiten a los individuos a deducir la totalidad de los pagos de primas de seguro de salud de sus declaraciones de impuestos bajo el sistema fiscal actual. Las empresas se les permite tomar estas deducciones por qué no sería Congreso permitirá a los individuos de las mismas exenciones? Al permitir que el libre mercado para proporcionar oportunidades de cobertura de seguros para empresas y particulares, también hay que asegurarse de que nadie se escape simplemente porque no pueden pagar un seguro. Hay que revisar las opciones básicas para Medicaid y trabajar con los estados para garantizar que aquellos que quieren la cobertura de atención médica puede tenerlo.
Permiten a los individuos a utilizar las cuentas de ahorro de salud (HSA). Contribuciones a las HSA deben estar libres de impuestos y se les debe permitir que se acumulen. Estas cuentas se convertirían en parte de la masa del individuo y podrían transmitirse a los herederos sin temor a ninguna pena de muerte. Estos planes deben ser particularmente atractiva para los jóvenes que están sanos y pueden manejar los planes de seguro de alto deducible. Estos fondos pueden ser utilizados por cualquier miembro de una familia sin penalización. La flexibilidad y la seguridad proporcionada por las HSA serán de gran beneficio para todos los que participan.
Exigir transparencia de los precios de todos los profesionales de la salud, especialmente médicos y organizaciones de salud como clínicas y hospitales. Las personas deben ser capaces de hacer compras para encontrar los mejores precios para procedimientos, exámenes o cualquier otro procedimiento relacionado con el médico.
Bloquear a la concesión de Medicaid a los estados. Casi todos los estados ya ofrece beneficios más allá de lo que se requiere en la estructura actual de Medicaid. Los gobiernos de los estados conocen a su gente mejor y pueden manejar la administración de Medicaid mucho mejor y sin sobrecarga federal. Los estados tendrán los incentivos para buscar y eliminar el fraude, el despilfarro y el abuso de preservar nuestros recursos preciosos.
Eliminar las barreras a la entrada en los mercados libres para los proveedores de medicamentos que ofrecen productos seguros, fiables y baratos. El Congreso tendrá el valor para alejarse de los intereses especiales y hacer lo que es correcto para Estados Unidos. Aunque la industria farmacéutica se encuentra en el sector privado, las compañías farmacéuticas proporcionan un servicio público. Permitiendo el acceso a los consumidores a los medicamentos importados, seguras y confiables desde el extranjero traerá más opciones para los consumidores.
Las reformas esbozadas más arriba bajarán los costos de salud para todos los estadounidenses. Son simplemente un lugar para empezar. Hay otras reformas que podrían ser considerados si sirven para reducir los costos, eliminar la incertidumbre y proporcionar seguridad financiera para todos los estadounidenses. Y también hay que tener acciones en otras áreas de política para reducir los costes sanitarios y cargas. Hacer cumplir las leyes de inmigración, lo que elimina el fraude y los residuos y energía a nuestra economía va a aliviar las presiones económicas experimentadas por cada estadounidense. Es la responsabilidad moral del gobierno de un país para hacer lo que es mejor para la gente y lo que está en el interés de asegurar el futuro de la nación.

Prestación de asistencia sanitaria a los inmigrantes ilegales nos cuesta unos $ 11 mil millones al año. Si tuviéramos que simplemente hacer cumplir las leyes de inmigración actuales y restringir el otorgamiento desenfrenada de visados ​​a este país, que podría aliviar las presiones de costos de atención médica en los gobiernos estatales y locales.

Para reducir el número de personas que necesitan acceso a programas como Medicaid y el Programa de Seguro Médico para Niños tendremos que instalar programas que crecen la economía y traer el capital y el empleo de nuevo a América. El mejor programa social siempre ha sido un trabajo - y el cuidado de nuestra economía que recorrer un largo camino hacia la reducción de nuestra dependencia de los programas de salud pública.

Por último, tenemos que reformar nuestros programas e instituciones de salud mental en este país. Familias, sin la posibilidad de obtener la información necesaria para ayudar a los que están graves, son demasiado a menudo no se dan las herramientas para ayudar a sus seres queridos. Hay reformas prometedoras que se están desarrollando en el Congreso que debe recibir el apoyo de ambos partidos.

Para la reforma de salud en Estados Unidos, necesitamos un presidente que tiene la capacidad de liderazgo, voluntad y coraje para comprometer al pueblo estadounidense y convencer al Congreso para hacer lo que es mejor para el país. Estas reformas directas, junto con muchos otros que he propuesto a lo largo de mi campaña, se asegurará de que juntos vamos a hacer de Estados Unidos Gran nuevo.

Kamasutra: the natural lesbos inside the royal harem



THE women of the royal harem cannot see or meet any men on account of their being strictly guarded, neither do they have their desires satisfied, because their only husband is common to many wives. For this reason among themselves they give pleasure to each other in various ways as now described.
Having dressed the daughters of their nurses, or their female friends, or their female attendants, like men, they accomplish their object by means of bulbs, roots, and fruits having the form of the lingam, or they lie down upon the statue of a male figure, in which the lingam is visible and erect.
Some kings, who are compassionate, take or apply certain medicines to enable them to enjoy many wives in one night, simply for the purpose of satisfying the desire of their women, though they perhaps have no desire of their own. Others enjoy with great affection only those wives that they particularly like, while others only take them, according as the turn of each wife arrives in due course. Such are the ways of enjoyment prevalent in Eastern countries, and what is said about the means of enjoyment of the female is also applicable to the male.
By means of their female attendants the ladies of the royal harem generally get men into their apartments in the disguise or dress of women. Their female attendants, and the daughters of their nurses, who are acquainted with their secrets, should exert themselves to get men to come to the harem in this way by telling them of the good fortune attending it, and by describing the facilities of entering and leaving the palace, the large size of the premises, the carelessness of the sentinels, and the irregularities of the attendants about the persons of the royal wives. But these women should never induce a man to enter the harem by telling him falsehoods, for that would probably lead to his destruction.
As for the man himself he had better not enter a royal harem, even though it may be easily accessible, on account of the numerous disasters to which he may be exposed there. If however he wants to enter it, he should first ascertain whether there is an easy way to get out, whether it is closely surrounded by the pleasure garden, whether it has separate enclosures belonging to it, whether the sentinels are careless, whether the king has gone abroad, and then, when he is called by the women of the harem, he should carefully observe the localities, and enter by the way pointed out by them. If he is able to manage it, he should hang about the harem every day, and under some pretext or other, make friends with the sentinels, and show himself attached to the female attendants of the harem, who may have become acquainted with his design, and to whom he should express his regret at not being able to obtain the object of his desire. Lastly he should cause the whole business of a go-between to be done by the woman who may have access to the harem, and he should be careful to be able to recognize the emissaries of the king.
When a go-between has no access to the harem, then the man should stand in some place where the lady, whom he loves and whom he is anxious to enjoy, can be seen.
If that place is occupied by the king's sentinels, he should then disguise himself as a female attendant of the lady who comes to the place, or passes by it. When she looks at him he should let her know his feelings by outward signs and gestures, and should show her pictures, things with double meanings, chaplets of flowers, and rings. He should carefully mark the answer she gives, whether by word or by sign, or by gesture, and should then try and get into the harem. If he is certain of her coming to some particular place he should conceal himself there, and at the appointed time should enter along with her as one of the guards. He may also go in and out, concealed in a folded bed, or bed covering, or with his body made invisible, 1 by means of external applications, a receipt for one of which is as follows:
The heart of an ichneumon, the fruit of the long gourd (tumbi), and the eyes of a serpent should all be burnt without letting out the smoke. The ashes should then be ground and mixed in equal quantities with water. By putting this mixture upon the eyes a man can go about unseen.
Other means of invisibility are prescribed by Duyana Brahmans and Jogashiras.
Again the man may enter the harem during the festival of the eighth moon in the month of Nargashirsha, and during the moonlight festivals when the female attendants of the harem are all busily occupied, or in confusion.
The following principles are laid down on this subject.
The entrance of young men into harems, and their exit from them, generally take place when things are being brought into the palace, or when things are being taken out of it, or when drinking festivals are going on, or when the female attendants are in a hurry, or when the residence of some of the royal ladies is being changed, or when the king's wives go to gardens, or to fairs, or when they enter the palace on their return from them, or lastly, when the king is absent on a long pilgrimage. The women of the royal harem know each other's secrets, and having but one object to attain, they give assistance to each other. A young man, who enjoys all of them, and who is common to them all, can continue enjoying his union with them so long as it is kept quiet, and is not known abroad.
Now in the country of the Aparatakas the royal ladies are not well protected, and consequently many young men are passed into the harem by the women who have access to the royal palace. The wives of the king of the Ahira country accomplish their objects with those sentinels in the harem who bear the name of Kashtriyas. The royal ladies in the country of the Vatsagulmas cause such men as are suitable to enter into the harem along with their female messengers. In the country of the Vaidarbhas the sons of the royal ladies enter the royal harem when they please and enjoy the women, with the exception of their own mothers. In the Stri-rajya the wives of the king are enjoyed by his caste fellows and relations. In the Ganda country the royal wives are enjoyed by Brahmans, friends, servants and slaves. In the Samdhava country servants, foster children, and other persons like them enjoy the women of the harem. In the country of the Haimavatas adventurous citizens bribe the sentinels and enter the harem. In the country of the Vanyas and the Kalmyas, Brahmans, with the knowledge of the king, enter the harem under the pretence of giving flowers to the ladies, and speak with them from behind a curtain, and from such conversation union afterwards takes place. Lastly the women in the harem of the king of the Prachyas conceal one young man in the harem for every batch of nine or ten of the women.
Thus act the wives of others.
For these reasons a man should guard his own wife. Old authors say that a king should select for sentinels in his harem such men as have their freedom from carnal desires well tested. But such men, though free themselves from carnal desire, by reason of their fear or avarice, may cause other persons to enter the harem, and therefore Gonikaputra says that kings should place such men in the harem as may have had their freedom from carnal desires, their fears, and their avarice well tested. Lastly Vatsyayana says that under the influence of Dharma 2 people might be admitted, and therefore men should be selected who are free from carnal desires, fear, avarice, and Dharma. 3
The followers of Babhravya say that a man should cause his wife to associate with a young woman who would tell him the secrets of other people, and thus find out from her about his wife's chastity. But Vatsyayana says that, as wicked persons are always successful with women, a man should not cause his innocent wife to be corrupted by bringing her into the company of a deceitful woman.
The following are the causes of the destruction of a woman's chastity:
  • Always going into society, and sitting in company
  • Absence of restraint
  • The loose habits of her husband
  • Want of caution in her relations with other men
  • Continued and long absence of her husband
  • Living in a foreign country
  • Destruction of her love and feelings by her husband
  • The company of loose women
  • The jealousy of her husband
There are also the following verses on the subject:
'A clever man, learning from the Shastras the ways of winning over the wives of other people, is never deceived in the case of his own wives. No one, however, should make use of these ways for seducing the wives of others, because they do not always succeed, and, moreover, often cause disasters, and the destruction of Dharma and Artha. This book, which is intended for the good of the people, and to teach them the ways of guarding their own wives, should not be made use of merely for gaining over the wives of others.'


1 The way to make oneself invisible, the knowledge of the art of transmigration, or changing ourselves or others into any shape or form by the use of charms and spells, the power of being in two places at once, and other occult sciences are frequently referred to in all Oriental literature.
2 This may be considered as meaning religious influence, and alludes to persons who may be gained over by that means.
3 It will be noted from the above remarks that eunuchs do nob appear to have been employed in the king's harem in those days, though they seem to have been employed for other purposes. See Part II, Chapter II.

Next: Introductory Remarks

Sunday, March 27, 2016


Understanding these 4 principle is the key for un suffering

The Buddha’s teaching is the dharma
1. Life is dukkha, dislocation, suffering
2. The cause is tanha, craving, desire , but nothing is permanent
3. End tanha to end dukkha

4. The way out through the Eightfold Path

How to become a Buddhist

Recite the Triple Refuge, Three Jewels
I find refuge in the Buddha
I find refuge in the Dharma (Doctrine)

I find refuge in the Sangha (Community)

Buddhist Sacred Texts
Largest number among the world religions but not all Buddhists rely on texts
No single central text or collection of texts recognized as score Scripture by all the major branches in Buddhism
Dhammapada esteemed in Sri Lanka (Theravada branch) provides a helpful access for the novice to core ethics
25 short chapters and available in English

.Five Basic Rules of Conduct

Lay Buddhists are expected to observe:
Abstain from killing
Abstain from stealing
Abstain from lying
Abstain from improper sexual conduct
Abstain from intoxicants

Lay Buddhists also provide support for the monks and nuns (especially Theravadins)