Monday, May 9, 2016

Operation High Jump; Journey to Antarctica to find the Dome

How to Update Kodi on Fire TV Without Computer (New Method)

How To Update Kodi On Fire TV

Now that you have Kodi installed on your Fire TV or Fire TV Stick, you will need to be able to update it without re-installing everything.  There will be numerous updates to Kodi in the future so it is important to learn how to update Kodi on Fire TV.
I have provided four options on how to update below and you should choose the option which works best for you.  In my opinion, the first option is the easiest and most reliable in the future as it will only take one click to complete.  Many of you already have FireStarter installed as your alternative dashboard and this provides a 1-click update solution.
The video tutorials listed below will provide you with a more detailed outline on the step-by-step instructions. Each of the options listed below will allow you to retain all of your Kodi settings and addons.

NEW METHOD! – Option #1 – How To Update Kodi With 1 Click On Fire TV With ES Explorer & No Computer

Be sure to watch entire video for complete details on every step.

1.  Download ES File Explorer
2.  Add the following source as a Favorite and name it “TROYPOINT” –
3.  Click the link in your favorite menu to launch TROYPOINT ES File Explorer download page
4.  Click the link for the most recent version of Kodi
5.  Click the download link on the following page that loads which is the download location for Kodi Android version
6.  If link doesn’t open, click down on remote and click the more button and open in new window – download should begin
7.  Go through installation process
8.  Launch Kodi and ensure your addons and settings have been saved

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Data usage basics

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Each of our plans comes with a monthly data allowance.

AT&T Internet Plans

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Monthly data allowance by speed

Monthly data allowance by speed chart

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