Sunday, May 17, 2015

ATT U-verse: Setting up Port Forwarding

Setting up Port Forwarding

Important Note
Opening ports in the modem firewall can leave your computers exposed to malicious attacks. AT&T is not responsible for potential attacks made to your computer systems or damage resulting from an attack caused by opening a port.
To open a port for a user-defined application on 2Wire gateways, do the following:
  1. Open an Internet browser.
  2. Type in the address bar.
  3. Click the Go button or press the Enter key on the keyboard.
  4. Click the Settings tab.The Settings tab follows the Services tab
  5. Click on the Broadband subtab.The Broadband sub-tab follows the System Info sub-tab
  6. Under Internet Details, locate the IP Address field.
    1. If your IP address starts with a 10.x.x.x, please visit our AT&T Port Forwarding Tool to request, view and remove your Port Forwarding assignments, as well as automatically configure your local AT&T provided modem/gateway with the touch of a button.
    2. If your IP address does not start with 10.x.x.x, please continue to step 7.
    The IP address field follows the Current Internet Connection heading
  7. Click on the Firewall subtab.The Firewall sub-tab follows the LAN sub-tab
  8. Click the ApplicationsPinholes and DMZ link.The Applications, Pinholes, and DMZ link is listed under the Firewall subtab tab, after Status.
  9. Under Select a computer, click the device name or IP address of the device you wish to open the port for. Alternatively, if you don't see the IP or device name listed, you can enter it in the Enter IP address field and click Choose.The Enter IP address text field and Choose button are listed directly under the device list.
  10. Under Edit firewall settings for this computer, select the Allow individual application(s) radio button.The Allow individual application(s) radio button is listed under the Maximum protection radio button. The Add a new user-defined applicaton link is located under the Application List column.
  11. In the event you're setting up Port Forwarding for an application, select the application in the list and then click the Addbutton. If you can't find the application or are setting up Port Forwarding for a device, do the following:
    1. Click the Add a new user-defined application link.
    2. Type a name for the application or device in the Application Profile Name field.From top to bottom, fields appear as follows: Application Profile name, Create Application Definition , Protocol, Port (or Range), Protocol timeout, and Map to Host port. The Back button is located below the Add to List button.
    3. Click the radio button next to the appropriate Protocol for the application in the Protocol field.
    4. Type the port(s) you wish to open in the From and To fields.
      It is recommended to create a separate user-defined application/device entry for each port as opposed to using a port range. In this case the port number should be the same in the From and To fields.
    5. Protocol Timeout and Map to Host Port fields should be left blank unless you wish to define these manually.
    6. Click the Application Type drop down menu and select type of application for which you're setting up port forwarding. If you're setting up Port Forwarding for a device or other type of application not listed, the field can be left as is with the default "-" selected.
    7. Click the Add to List button. 
      If there are more user-defined applications that need to be created, repeat step 11.
    8. When you've finished creating user-defined applications, click on the Back button.
    9. The user-defined application(s) you created will now show in the list. Choose the user-defined application(s) you created and click the Add button.
  12. When you've finished and your selections show under Hosted Applications, click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.Hosted applications is the third column listed under the Allow individual applications(s) radio button.
  13. Congratulations, you've set up port forwarding on your AT&T provided modem/gateway.
Important Note
Devices on a network routinely refresh their connections and may obtain a new IP address when this happens. Port Forwarding assignments are linked to the IP address that was selected during setup. If the device obtains a different IP address, the Port Forwarding assignment will no longer function for that device. To avoid your device from obtaining a different IP address from the gateway, it is recommended that you assign static IP addresses to your devices. If you do not know how to do this, please refer to your device's manufacturer or if you'd like assistance from us, AT&T offers a for-fee service called AT&T ConnecTech. For more information, visit ConnecTech or call 800.344.1734.

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Friday, May 15, 2015

Revolico" un portal cubano de ventas y compras compitiendo contra el famoso ebay de EUA

¿Que es esto? 
Como bien dice el nombre esto es un revolico pero organizado. Literalmente organizamos "TODO EL CONTENIDO DE TODAS LAS LISTAS" para poder revisar y anunciar de manera mucho más cómoda.

Este proyecto pretende desde su modesta perspectiva, organizar un poco la extensa y activa 
comunidad que existe alrededor de las famosas e indispensables "LISTAS", y también por qué no, unir y fortalecer este fenómeno que quiéranlo o no ya forma parte de la vida diaria de bastantes cubanos, fundamentalmente habaneros.

Aquí pretendemos crear un espacio, donde se pueda anunciar cualquier cosa o casi cualquier cosa, 
de una forma mucho más organizada y asequible.

¿Un poco de historia?

"Las Listas" para los que por alguna extraña razón no las conozcan, son listas de distribución de 
correo electrónico que se crearon hace algunos añitos con el objetivo, en sus inicios, de anunciar la compra, la venta y el intercambio de hardware generalmente usado. Era una forma de apoyar el "cacharreo" o el afán y curiosidad, característicos del cubano, de adentrarse en el mundo de la computación de manera más informal y menos institucional. Esta tendencia fue creciendo, ya no solo era hardware, cada vez más personas tenían acceso al Email, hoy por hoy se anuncian muchas cosas, siendo ya unos cuantos los que nos apoyamos en esta útil herramienta para nuestra vida diaria.

De la manera más natural se creo una activa y cooperativa comunidad, la que funciona como un solo 
organismo, gobernado por la inteligencia colectiva o de masas. Todos y cada uno, protegemos nuestro intereses y por tanto los del colectivo, por lo que no es extraño que cuando uno o dos han querido venir a meternos ruido en el sistema y discutir de política, religión o cualquier otro turbulento tema, no han tenido cabida y la mayoría ha reaccionado. Sin estatutos ni reglas definidas, cada cual sabe lo que se puede y lo que no.

Pero al igual que a los niños se le queda chiquita la ropa, el soporte de "Las Listas" ya le quedó chiquito. 
A casi todas antes de acabarse el mes se le vence la cuota de tráfico que tienen asignada, ya hay mucho volumen de información diario y revisarlo se convierte en una tarea bastante engorrosa.

Ahí es donde se forma el Revolico.

Precisamente llegado a ese punto es donde surge la idea de organizar eso un poco. Revolico cuenta con 
n revolucionario e innovador sistema el cual analiza "TODAS LAS LISTAS", y organiza "TODOS LOS ANUNCIOS" por categorías para que sean accesibles de manera más fácil. Pero no solo organiza sino que también elimina las molestas repeticiones de anuncios, sustrae la inservible publicidad que traen muchas veces los mensajes y realiza muchas otras funciones para hacernos más placentera la tarea de revisar y anunciar.

La idea es que la comunidad se traslade paulatinamente hacia esta plataforma, pero de la manera más
 transparente posible, precisamente por eso es que aquí están "TODOS LOS ANUNCIOS de TODAS LAS LISTAS", para que usted no se pierda nada. Ni lo que se anuncia aquí, ni lo que todavía se anuncia allá.

El proyecto aún está arrancando, hay aún mucho por hacer y muchas ideas buenas por poner en práctica,
 pero necesitamos las de ustedes, las ideas de la comunidad porque nos debemos precisamente a ella, es nuestra razón de ser, por eso es que estamos ávidos de todas las opiniones, sugerencias, ideas y críticas que nos puedan hacer llegar.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Desarrolla Cuba vacuna contra el cancer del pulmon,

Vacuna cubana contra el cáncer de pulmón se dirige a EE.UU. para ensayos clínicos

Vacuna cubana contra el cáncer de pulmón se dirige a EE.UU. para ensayos clínicos
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Desde que Fidel Castro se hizo del poder en Cuba en 1959, la nación comunista ha sido conocida por, entre otras cosas, su “diplomacia médica” –el envío de médicos y medicamentos a lugares remotos del planeta con el fin de fomentar la buena voluntad y ganar aliados en la escena mundial.
Pero debido al embargo de larga data contra Cuba, una de las pocas áreas en blanco en la lista de diplomacia médica de la isla ha sido Estados Unidos. Eso, sin embargo, está cambiando rápidamente después de que el gobernador de Nueva York, Andrew Cuomo, y un número de líderes empresariales del estadoviajaron a Cuba a principios de este mes en misión comercial.
Durante el viaje, el Instituto del Cáncer Roswell Park, de Buffalo, Nueva York, firmó un acuerdo para importar una revolucionaria vacuna cubana contra el cáncer de pulmón, llamada Cimavax, que ayuda a tratar los síntomas y la recurrencia de la mortífera enfermedad.
“La vacuna es barata de hacer, es efectiva y no tiene toxicidad”, dijo a Fox News Latino Kelvin Lee, jefe de inmunología en el Instituto del Cáncer Roswell Park. “Va a tratar a personas con cáncer de pulmón y podría evitar potencialmente el cáncer en las personas que aún no lo tienen.”
El fármaco fue desarrollado en la década de 1990  por el gubernamental Centro de Inmunología Molecular de Cuba,  y a pesar de ser informado por varias organizaciones médicas y de medios de comunicación de todo el mundo, La Habana lo ha mantenido como un éxito celosamente  guardado.
Las conversaciones acerca del uso de Cimavax en EE.UU. sólo comenzaron en 2011, cuando Roswell Park inició un intercambio académico con sus colegas de Cuba.
cimavax_vacunaUna serie de políticas con respecto a las relaciones entre Estados Unidos y Cuba se ha reformulado bajo la administración del presidente Barack Obama –por no mencionar el anuncio en diciembre pasado de que los enemigos de la Guerra Fría reiniciarían relaciones diplomáticas–, lo que ha permitido que se produzca esta investigación conjunta.
Aunque falta mucho para que la vacuna llegue al mercado norteamericano, los médicos de Roswell Park esperan obtener la aprobación de la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA) para comenzar los ensayos clínicos en un plazo de ocho meses, para asociarse después con una empresa privada a fin de desarrollar el medicamento para pacientes de Estados Unidos.
Junto con el trabajo que se desarrolla en el estado de Nueva York, los científicos cubanos también visitarán Buffalo para ayudar en las pruebas y la investigación.
“El objetivo es ponerla a prueba de forma segura y ética aquí en EE.UU.”, dijo a FNL la directora del instituto, Candace Johnson.
La droga ya está en el mercado cubano, donde se ha tratado a unas 1 000 personas con cáncer de pulmón, y se ha utilizado en un total de 5 000 pacientes en todo el mundo.
A pesar de la atención médica universal en Cuba, la difícil situación económica del país y el aislamiento global han dificultado mantener procedimientos médicos como la quimioterapia a largo plazo, lo que hace de Cimavax una prometedora alternativa a los tratamientos más caros.
“Además, tiene menos efectos secundarios que la vacuna contra la gripe”, dijo Lee.
Una vez que el medicamento sea aprobado para ensayos clínicos, los investigadores médicos, tanto en EE.UU. como en Cuba, están interesados ​​en ver si la vacuna puede utilizarse para tratar otros tipos de cáncer, además del de pulmón.
Investigadores cubanos se han centrado en el cáncer de pulmón debido a sus limitados recursos financieros y al hecho de que el cáncer de pulmón es la forma más frecuente de la enfermedad en la isla.
“Cuba no ha hecho pruebas en otros tipos de cáncer, pero potencialmente podría utilizarse para tratar cáncer de piel, de cerebro, de colon y otras formas de la enfermedad”, añadió Lee.
Para los investigadores médicos en Roswell Park, el mayor reto será convencer a las autoridades norteamericanas que permitan que este producto se pruebe en el país. Pero una vez que hayan despejado ese obstáculo, dijo Lee, será mucho más fácil comenzar a hacer pruebas de otros tipos de vacunas y medicamentos desarrollados en Cuba.
“Ellos tienen una gran cantidad de productos muy interesantes en Cuba y mucho que ofrecernos”, dijo Lee. “Para nosotros, esto no es una conversación única, sino un esfuerzo continuo entre nosotros y Cuba”.
(Tomado de Fox News Latino)
Traducción de Germán Piniella para Progreso Semanal.

Cuba's lung cancer vaccine is heading to the U.S. for clinical trials

Cuba's lung cancer vaccine is heading to the U.S. for clinical trials

Since Fidel Castro took power in Cuba in 1959, the communist nation has been known for, among other things, its "medical diplomacy" – sending doctors and medicine to far flung parts of the globe in order to foster goodwill and gain allies on the world stage.
But because of the long-standing embargo against Cuba, one of the few blank spots on the island's medical diplomatic list has been the United States. That, however, is changing quickly after New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and a number of business leaders from the state travelled to Cuba earlier this month on a trade mission.

During the trip, the Roswell Park Cancer Institute of Buffalo, New York signed an agreement to import a revolutionary Cuban lung cancer vaccine called CimaVax that helps treat symptoms and recurrence of the deadly disease.
"This vaccine is cheap to make, it is effective and it has no toxicity," Kelvin Lee, the chief of immunology at Roswell Park Cancer Institute, told Fox News Latino. "It will treat people with lung cancer and could potentially prevent cancer in people who don't already have it."
The drug was developed by the Cuban government-run Molecular Immunology Center in the 1990s and, despite being reported on by various medical and media organizations across the globe, Havana has kept its success a closely guarded secret.
Talks about using CimaVax in the U.S. only began back in 2011 when Roswell Park opened up an academic exchange with their colleagues in Cuba.
A number of policies regarding U.S.-Cuban relations have been rewritten under the administration of President Barack Obama – not to mention last December's announcement that the Cold War-foes would restart diplomatic relations – that have allowed for this joint research to occur.
While the vaccine is a long way from hitting the American market, doctors at Roswell Park hope to get Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval to begin clinical trials within eight months and soon after partner with a private company to develop the drug for U.S. patients. 
Along with the work taking place in upstate New York, Cuban scientists will also visit Buffalo to help with testing and research.
"The goal is to test it safely and ethically here in the U.S," the institute's director Candace Johnson told FNL.
The drug is already the market in Cuba, where it has treated around 1,000 people for lung cancer, and has been used on a total of 5,000 patients around the globe.
One of the major reasons why Cuba developed the vaccine was that it is n
Despite universal healthcare in Cuba, the country's struggling economic situation and global isolation have made it difficult to maintain medical procedures like long-term chemotherapy – making CimaVax a promising alternative to pricier treatments.
"Plus it has less side-effects than a flu shot," Lee said.
Once the drug is approved for clinical trials, medical researchers in both the U.S. and Cuba are interested in seeing if the vaccine can be used to treat others forms of cancer beside lung cancer. 
Cuban researchers have focused on lung cancer given their limited financial resources and the fact that lung cancer is the most prevalent form of the disease on the island.
"Cuba has not tested it on other types of cancer, but it could potentially be used to treat skin, brain, colon and other forms of the disease," Lee added.
For medical researchers at Roswell Park the biggest challenge will be convincing U.S. authorities to allow this product to be tested in the country. But once they clear that hurdle, Lee said, it will be much easier to begin testing other types of vaccines and medicines developed in Cuba.
"They've got a lot of really cool products in Cuba and a lot to offer us," Lee said. "To us, this is not a one-off conversation but a continuing effort between us and Cuba."

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Emerging research in cancer

Cancer Management is an evolving area of medicine that is benefiting from new thinking and new approaches. That’s why you may be hearing a lot about different ongoing research topics through the media, in hospital advertisements, or in conversation.

Here are some of the current areas of research in lung cancer

Research in immuno-oncology

Immuno-oncology continues to be an emerging field and is currently being researched for lung cancer. Immuno-oncology works with the body’s own immune system to help fight cancer.
When the immune system detects a foreign agent in the body, it signals a process to eliminate it. This is how our body gets rid of things like colds and flu. Recognizing that the immune system could possibly do the same thing to cancer cells led researchers on a path to understanding how cancer is able to avoid being detected and attacked. Researchers have focused on ways to help the immune system do a better job at recognizing cancer and do what it was meant to do—search and attack it.

Research on genes

An understanding of genetic science continues to improve and with it comes a better understanding of how genes (or parts of genes) may cause cancer. This is a broad area of research that includes many different types of clinical studies.
Ongoing research is looking at biomarkers, or different types of genes and proteins, to see if certain genes are changed or are seen at higher or lower levels in people with lung cancer compared to those without lung cancer. The aim of biomarker research is to find which genes or proteins might play a role in lung cancer development, or whether they may affect a person's prognosis or response to cancer therapy. Other approaches are looking at the effects of changing the levels of certain genes or proteins in people with lung cancer, and whether that might affect lung cancer treatment.
This field of study also includes epigenetics (which means "above" the gene). Epigenetics is shedding light on how nutrition and other environmental factors affect how genes are expressed. It's also helping researchers understand new ways to treat cancer.
Another field of study, gene therapy research, has also been used in a small number of clinical trials. There are different ways to use gene therapy. One way is to replace missing or defective genes that cause cancer with healthy genes. Other approaches include injecting cancer cells with genes that may make the tumor more receptive to cancer therapy.

Research on lung cancer screening and risk factors

There is ongoing research on new ways to detect lung cancer as well as the reasons behind who is at risk for lung cancer and how lung cancer develops. Continued developments in this area will help others benefit from early detection and treatment, and will help to raise awareness for people living with lung cancer.

Research on quality of life and outcomes

Studies are trying to find out what factors can help improve quality of life and outcomes for patients with lung cancer. Health-related quality of life is usually measured using surveys, where patients report on aspects of their physical and mental health. A better understanding of factors that affect the quality of life of people with lung cancer can result in improved social, mental, and medical services.
Inform the ones you love that there may be an appropriate lung cancer clinical trial worth investigating.

Florida Ferries Going to Cuba Again

  • Florida Ferries Going to Cuba Again


    By Newser Editors,  Newser Staff

    Posted May 5, 2015 3:43 PM CDT
  • Ferry service: Two companies have gotten approval from the US to begin running ferries from Florida to Cuba for the first time in 50 years, reports the Sun Sentinel. The ferries can carry authorized travelers but still not regular tourists, at least while the embargo is still in place. A few other restrictions: No vehicles, and the boats must not make any stops in between.
  • Weekly flight: JetBlue today announced it was adding a weekly flight from New York City to Havana, reports NBC New York. The flight will leave JFK at noon on Fridays starting in July, with a return flight getting home at 8pm. It's the first new flight by a major carrier since restrictions between the two countries were eased.