Monday, April 29, 2013

Best bikini models or 2013

Want to visit Mars? Applications being taken

(Photo: Bryan Versteeg / Mars One)
At least 20,000 really adventurous people have applied for a crack at a permanent trip to the red planet.
After only one week, submissions to the Mars One project are pouring in -- 600 from China alone.
Although the trip and training sound daunting, the requirements for candidates are wide open: If you show resilience, adaptability, and curiosity, you might qualify. Scientific and astronaut's skills, however, are not required.

We might add that patience is a plus, since this particular one-way ticket to the red planet, offered by the Dutch organization Mars One, won't be available until 2023.
That doesn't seem to be deterring potential Mars explorers. In the last year, 10,000 people from 100 countries have expressed interest in the program, and now many applicants who have ponied up the application fee have submitted and shared their one-minute videos, which have been made public on the Mars One website.
The organization plans to have people vote on TV for the candidates they like the best. So yes, this process seems more reality show than "Right Stuff." In fact, over the span of a two-year televised competition, viewers will help sift through the candidates until 24 are chosen.
"Gone are the days when bravery and the number of hours flying a supersonic jet were the top criteria," said Norbert Kraft, Mars One's chief medical director and a former NASA senior researcher, in a statement.
He added, "For this mission of permanent settlement, we are more concerned with how well each astronaut lives and works with others and their ability to deal with a lifetime of challenges."
These lucky chosen colonists -- who must be at least 18 years old, be 157 cm (roughly 5-foot-2) tall, and have 20/20 vision -- will then endure six to eight years of training and will be grouped into teams of four, who will train together in simulated living conditions of the planet. And yes, an audience decides who will be the first four to settle on Mars.
Only four people at a time will travel to Mars. Then the plan is to launch four more settlers every two years.
The outfit behind this ambitious adventure is Mars One, which describes itself as a "not for profit" organization that plans on funding this pricey journey -- estimated to cost $6 billion -- to Mars with the proceeds from an interactive, global TV show the likes of which the world has never seen, from astronaut selection to training to, finally, liftoff.
Mars One co-founder Bas Lansdorp explained to Yahoo! News last year, "This would be 'real' reality TV -- adventure is automatically included; we don't have to add fake challenges." He continued, "By sending a new crew every two years, Mars will have a real, gr

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Esteroides versus Organico = Cancer vs Salud


Esteroides efectos secundarios:
Esteroides a largo plazo pueden suprimir la función de protección de su sistema inmunológico y aumentar el riesgo de infección.

Organico:Un alimento o cosméticos libres de fertilizantes, pesticidas, aditivos, etc se dice que es biologico.

Si las hormanas artificiales hacen debilitar el systema inmunologico,como es posible que la FDA todavia apoya que alimentos que caen en la cadena toxica de hormanas dentro de ellos aun se vendan en los mercados:

Ejemplos de alimentos con hormonas

Ejemplo de alimentos sin hormonas,llamados alimentos organicos
Agua,granos,pan,cereal,frutas,vegetales,aceite,pescados escojidos en alta mar,carnes criados en alimentos naturales,y sus derivados de ellos en estados naturales 

La razon a la cual debo pensar aca; Es que la ley Darwiniana aun sigue en pie,Que todavia seguimos en la seleccion natural para prevalecer la lucha de nuestra ecoexistencia, seguir el juego de entidades estatales que controlan demografias ;Ejecutando  planes diabolicos para mermarnos poco a poco,y hacer que desaparescan los mas ignorantes de nuestras raza, Ya alejandonos del color de ella.Aca esta lucha no es de raza de nuestra de piel,es la lucha por el superhombre como hubiera dicho

(Friedrich Nietzsche)

se basan en quien es capaz de destapar sus ojos y ver la verdadera realidad y plantearle un juego dinamico a esta batalla del ajedrez por la vida.

Steroids versus Cancer vs Organic = Health

Steroids side effects:
Long-term steroids can suppress the protective function of your immune system and increase the risk of infection.

Organic: A food or fertilizer free cosmetics, pesticides, additives, etc. is said to be biological.

If artificial hormanas do weaken the immune systema, as the FDA may still supports that fall into the food chain of hormanas toxic within them even sold in the markets:

Examples of foods with hormones
meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, butter, cheese, yogurt, choriso, hotdog, burgers, ice cream,

Example of foods without hormones, called organic foods
Water, grains, bread, cereal, fruits, vegetables, oil, fish escojidos offshore natural foods reared meats, and derivatives of them in natural states

The reason for which I think here, is that the Darwinian law still standing, I still keep in natural selection to prevail our ecoexistencia struggle, continue the game state entities that control demographics; Running diabolical plans for mermarnos little by little, and make desaparescan the most ignorant of our race, color distancing already ella.Aca this fight is not breed our skin, is the struggle for Superman as he had said
(Friedrich Nietzsche)

are based on who is able to open their eyes and see the true reality and to put to play dynamic chess this battle for life.

Steroide gegen Krebs vs Organic = Gesundheit

Steroide Nebenwirkungen:
Langfristige Steroide unterdrücken kann die Schutzfunktion des Immunsystems und erhöhen das Risiko einer Infektion.

Bio: Ein Lebensmittel oder Dünger, Kosmetika, Pestizide, Zusatzstoffe, usw. wird gesagt, dass biologische.

Wenn künstliche hormanas tun das Immunsystem schwächen systema, wie die FDA noch unterstützt kann diese fallen in die Nahrungskette von hormanas giftig in ihnen sogar in den Märkten verkauft:

Beispiele für Nahrungsmittel mit Hormonen
Fleisch, Fisch, Geflügel, Eier, Milch, Butter, Käse, Joghurt, choriso, Würstchen, Burger, Eis,

Beispiel von Lebensmitteln ohne Hormone, genannt Bio-Lebensmittel
Wasser, Getreide, Brot, Müsli, Obst, Gemüse, Öl, Fisch escojidos Offshore natürlichen Lebensmitteln aufgezogen Fleisch und Derivate davon in natürlichen Zustände

Der Grund, aus dem ich denke, hier, ist, dass die Darwinsche Gesetz noch steht, habe ich noch in die natürliche Selektion zu halten, um unsere ecoexistencia Kampf durchsetzen, das Spiel fortzusetzen staatliche Einrichtungen, die Kontrolle Demographie; Laufen teuflischen Pläne für mermarnos wenig nach und nach, und machen desaparescan die Unwissenden unserer Rasse, Hautfarbe distanziert bereits ella.Aca diesem Kampf nicht züchten unsere Haut, ist der Kampf für Superman, wie er gesagt hatte,
(Friedrich Nietzsche)

auf, die in der Lage ist, ihre Augen zu öffnen und die wahre Wirklichkeit zu setzen und zu spielen dynamische Schach diesen Kampf für das Leben basiert.

Stéroïdes contre le cancer vs organique = Santé

Stéroïdes effets secondaires:
Stéroïdes à long terme peuvent supprimer la fonction de protection de votre système immunitaire et accroître le risque d'infection.

Bio: cosmétiques Un alimentaires ou d'engrais, de pesticides, sans additifs, etc est dite biologique.

Si hormanas artificiels font affaiblir le systema immunitaire, comme la FDA peut encore supports qui entrent dans la chaîne alimentaire de hormanas toxiques en eux même vendus sur les marchés:

Exemples d'aliments contenant des hormones
viande, poisson, volaille, oeufs, lait, beurre, fromage, yogourt, choriso, hot dog, hamburgers, glaces,

Exemple d'aliments sans hormones, appelée aliments biologiques
Eau, céréales, pain, céréales, fruits, légumes, huile, escojidos de poissons au large aliments naturels élevés viandes et les dérivés de leur état ​​naturel dans

La raison pour laquelle je pense ici, c'est que la loi darwinienne encore debout, je suis toujours en sélection naturelle à l'emporter notre lutte ecoexistencia, poursuivre les entités étatiques de jeu que la démographie de contrôle; Exécution des plans diaboliques pour mermarnos petits à peu, et faire desaparescan les plus ignorants de notre race, de couleur distanciation déjà ella.Aca ce combat n'est pas élever notre peau, c'est la lutte pour Superman comme il l'avait dit
(Friedrich Nietzsche)

sont basés sur qui est capable d'ouvrir les yeux et voir la vraie réalité et de mettre à jouer aux échecs dynamique de cette bataille pour la vie.

Стероиды против рака по сравнению с органическим = здоровье

Побочные эффекты стероидов:
Долгосрочные стероиды могут подавить защитные функции иммунной системы и увеличить риск заражения.

Органические: пищи или удобрений свободный косметики, пестициды, добавки и т.д., как говорят, биологические.

Если искусственное hormanas сделать ослабляют иммунную Система, как FDA может по-прежнему поддерживает, которые попадают в пищевую цепочку из hormanas токсичных внутри них даже продал на рынках:

Примеры продуктов с гормонами
мясо, рыба, птица, яйца, молоко, масло, сыр, йогурт, чорисо, хот-догов, гамбургеров, мороженого,

Пример продуктов без гормонов, называемые натуральные продукты
Вода, зерно, хлеб, овсяные хлопья, фрукты, овощи, масло, рыба escojidos оффшорных натуральные продукты воспитал мясо, и производные из них в естественном состоянии

Причина, по которой я думаю, что здесь, в том, что дарвиновская закон все еще стоял, я все еще держу в естественном отборе преобладать ecoexistencia нашей борьбы, продолжить игру лица утверждают, что управление демографическими, Выполнение дьявольские планы немного mermarnos -по-малу, и сделать desaparescan самых невежественных нашей расы, цвета кожи дистанцирование уже ella.Aca эта борьба не размножаются нашей кожи, является борьба за Супермена, как сказал
(Фридрих Ницше)

основаны на том, кто в состоянии открыть глаза и увидеть истинную реальность и поставить играть динамические шахматы этой битве за жизнь.

Antibiotics and Growth Hormones In Feed

Farmed fish and shellfish are often grown in overcrowded and dirty tanks or cages, alongside dead and decaying fish and fish waste.  They are often treated with antibiotics so that they can withstand the harsh environment.  Residues of these antibiotics travel with seafood from their tank to your table.  Chloramphenicol, penicillin and other drugs used in production can pose serious health risks to consumers who may become susceptible to antibiotic-resistant bacteria. For the many people with allergies to antibiotics, contaminated seafood can cause unexpected allergic reactions. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stated that clear scientific evidence indicates that the use of these drugs and chemicals in raising seafood can lead to an increased antimicrobial resistance in human pathogens (stronger germs that are resistant to our medicines) and that prolonged exposure to some of these chemicals has been shown to cause cancer.
In captivity, most fish do not reproduce successfully. Fish hatchery operators inject hormones into male and female fish so that they breed. Chorionic gonadotropin, a human hormone, can be injected into fish destined for human consumption. Luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) can also be used to induce spawning, but while the offspring can go to market, the parent fish cannot. When humans use chorionic gonadotropin as a fertility drug (or for other uses), it can increase the risk of multiple pregnancy, premature puberty, and ovarian enlargement and cysts.
The highest legal cumulative dose of chorionic gonadotropin in fish destined for human consumption is 25 ml. However, FDA does not test fish for residues of the hormone, nor does it take any other regulatory action to enforce this limit.

Chemicals of Concern by Food and Water Watch

How Milk Gets from the Cow to the Store

Although some dairies have their own unique methods of milk production, most dairies in the United States follow the eight-step process seen below. Those eight steps are (in order): 1. Rearing, 2. harvesting, 3. storing, 4. transportation, 5. lab testing, 6.processing, 7. packagingand 8. selling.

Step 1 - Rearing 

Holstein cows grazing, 2007; Dairy cows at the feeding trough, 2007
Holstein cows grazing, 2007; Dairy cows at the feeding trough, 2007
Source: Texas Cooperative Extension, photo by Dr. Ellen Jordan

Dairy cows typically spend their days eating, sleeping, and ruminating or chewing their cud. Cows in some dairy farms wander around and eat fresh grass (i.e. grazing). In other farms, they are fed grain, hay, or silage (conserved forage) and remain all day in close quarters known as confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs), some of which house thousands of animals.
Many large dairy farms utilize growth hormones and antibiotics during the rearing process to artificially increase a cow's milk production and to decrease the spread of infectious diseases among their cows.

Step 2 - Harvesting 
Hand milking a cow, 2007
Hand milking a cow, 2007
In the Past:
A cow is ready to be milked when her udder is full. The farmer has some flexibility when making a schedule of cow milking times. Usually, cows are milked in the early morning and again in the late afternoon. It is possible to milk a cow by hand. However, milking a whole herd of cows twice a day in this manner would take a great deal of time and energy. Before the invention of milking machines, people milked their dairy cows by hand by squeezing gently on the cow's teats using the thumb and forefinger. Some people continue to milk a little by hand today.
Machine milking a cow, 2007
Machine milking a cow, 2007
Cows are normally milked at least twice a day. Milking time takes about five minutes per cow depending on the type of machine and the amount of milk the cow is producing. Most dairies have enough machines to milk more than 20 cows at one time. Milking machines mimic the action of a young calf by creating a pulsating vacuum around the teat, which causes the milk to be released from the udder.

Step 3 - Storing 

Milk storage vat, 2007
Milk storage vat, 2007

Milk storage vats or silos are refrigerated and come in various shapes and sizes. Milk is usually stored on the farm at 39 degrees Fahrenheit, or colder, for no more than 48 hours. Vats and silos are agitated to make sure that the entire volume remains cold and that the milkfat does not separate from the milk. After milk has been collected, storage vats and stainless steel pipes are thoroughly cleaned before the farmer milks again.

Step 4 - Transportation

Milk transportation truck, 2007
Milk transportation truck, 2007

Milk is collected from the farm every 24 or 48 hours. The tankers that are used have special stainless steel bodies which are heavily insulated to keep the milk cold during transportation to the processing factory. Milk tanker drivers are accredited milk graders, qualified to evaluate the milk prior to collection. Tanker drivers grade and if necessary reject milk based on temperature, sight, and smell. A representative sample is collected from each farm pickup prior to being pumped onto the tanker. After collection, milk is transported to factory sites and stored in refrigerated silos before processing.

Step 5 - Lab Testing

Milk testing in a laboratory, 2007
Milk testing in a laboratory, 2007 Source: AgSource Food and Environmental Division

Samples of milk are taken from farm vats prior to collection and from the bulk milk tanker upon arrival at the factory. Samples from the bulk milk tanker are tested for antibiotics and temperature before the milk enters the factory processing area. Farm milk samples are tested for milkfat, protein, bulk milk cell count and bacteria count. If milk does not meet quality standards it is rejected. Most farmers are paid on the quality and composition of their milk. 

Step 6 - Processing 

Whole milk, once approved for use, is pumped into storage silos where it undergoes pasteurization, homogenization, separation and further processing.

Pasteurization machine, 2007
Pasteurization machine, 2007
Involves heating every particle of milk to a specific temperature for a specified period of time and cooling it again without allowing recontamination.

Homogenization machine, 2007
Homogenization machine, 2007
Involves pushing the raw milk through an atomizer to form tiny particles so that the fat is dispersed evenly throughout the milk, stopping the fat from floating to the top of the container.
Involves spinning milk through a centrifuge to separate the cream from the milk. After separation, the cream and remaining milk are remixed to provide the desired fat content for the different types of milk being produced.
For "whole milk," the cream is reintroduced until the fat content reaches 3.25%. For "low fat milk," the fat content is 1%. For "skim milk" (sometimes called nonfat milk) the fat content is .05%. 
Machine for filtering and further processing, 2007
Machine for filtering and further processing, 2007
Further processing:
Includes micro-filtration, increasing the storage life by ultra high temperature (UHT) treatment, and mixing or culturing milk for flavored and yogurt products. 

Step 7 - Packaging 

Machine filling and packaging milk, 2007
Machine filling and packaging milk, 2007

Now the milk is ready to be packaged for delivery to the stores. The milk travels through pipes to the automatic packaging machines that fills and seals the milk into paper cartons or plastic jugs. As the containers move through the assembly line, a date is printed on each of them to show how long the milk will stay fresh.
Step 8 - Selling

Milk shelf in a store, 2007
Milk shelf in a store, 2007
After packaging, the milk is finally ready for the customers, and it is stored in a big, refrigerated room until it is delivered to stores to be sold.


Douglas H. Goff, PhD  "Clarification and Cream Separation," (accessed Aug. 18, 2008)
Parmalat Australia Ltd.  "Student Info: How Milk is Made," (accessed Sep. 28, 2007)
The Family Farm Project  "Farm School: Time to Milk," (accessed Sep. 28, 2007)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Earth's Cries Recorded in Space

Earth emits an ear-piercing series of chirps and whistles that could be heard by any aliens who might be listening, astronomers have discovered.
The sound is awful, a new recording from space reveals.
Scientists have known about the radiation since the 1970s. It is created high above the planet, where charged particles from the solar wind collide with Earth's magnetic field. It is related to the phenomenon that generates the colorful aurora, or Northern Lights.

The radio waves are blocked by the ionosphere, a charged layer atop our atmosphere, so they do not reach Earth. That's good, because the out-of-this-world radio waves are 10,000 times stronger than even the strongest military signal, the researchers said, and they would overwhelm all radio stations on the planet.
Theorists had long figured the radio waves, which were not well studied, oozed into space in an ever-widening cone, like light from a torch.
But new data from the European Space Agency's Cluster mission, a group of four high-flying satellites, reveals the bursts of radio waves head off to the cosmos in beam-like fashion, instead.
This means they're more detectable to anyone who might be listening.
The Auroral Kilometric Radiation (AKR), as it is called, is beamed out in a narrow plane, as if someone had put a mask over a torch and left a slit for the radiation to escape.
This flat beam could be detected by aliens who've figured this process out, the researchers say. The knowledge could also be used by Earth's astronomers to detect planets around other stars, if they can build a new radio telescope big enough for the search. They could also learn more about Jupiter and Saturn by studying AKR, which should emit from the auroral activity on those worlds, too.
"Whenever you have aurora, you get AKR," said Robert Mutel, a University of Iowa researcher involved in the work.
The AKR bursts -- Mutel and colleagues studied 12,000 of them -- originate in spots the size of a large city a few thousand miles above Earth and above the region where the Northern Lights form.
"We can now determine exactly where the emission is coming from," Mutel said.
Our planet is also known to hum, a mysterious low-frequency sound thought to be caused by the churning ocean or the roiling atmosphere.