Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Capitalismo vs Comunismo

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Jim Jordan Slams Sondland's Scattered Testimony: 'I've Never Seen Anythi...

The America's deadliest cities for 2019 year

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Where are located my chess engines at Chessbase or Fritz chess program on my computer?

Engine Interface
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The program’s engine interface has been adapted to the latest Windows specifications, for example Windows 8/10.

This means that all current and future engines will don be stored in the folder

\Program Files\Chessbase\Engines but in \Program Files\Common Files\Chessbase\Engines.

This is the folder where the new engine and the latest version of Crafty will be installed.

Older chess engines installed by previous program versions will remain in the folder

\Program Files\Chessbase\Engines.

UCI Engines
UCI engines can still be installed in any folder in any partition anywhere on the computer.

The UCI configuration files with the extension *.uci must always be stored in the folders

\My Documents\ and \Settings\\Application Files\Chessbase\Engines.UCI.

PETITION: Tell U.S. libraries to stop pushing 'drag queens' on our kids!

PETITION: Tell U.S. libraries to stop pushing 'drag queens' on our kids!

  •  56,037
LifeSite and Personhood Alliance are combining forces to combat the new and twisted phenomenon of the "Drag Queen Story Hour" taking over America's libraries.
You might think that if you live outside of a big, liberal city like San Francisco or New York, your children will be safe at your local library, right?
Think again.
A cross-dressing man is coming to a library near you, to teach your child about "gender fluidity," and YOU are actually helping to fund him with your state, local and federal tax dollars.
Believe it or not, there is a well-orchestrated, subversive plan being promoted by the American Library Association, to promote a phenomenon known as "Drag Queen Story Hour" (DQSH) to small-town American libraries, in order to “capture the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and give kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.”

Republicans Announce They're Going After Hillary, Comey, Lynch, And Othe...