Sunday, December 2, 2012

Big Brother (Nineteen Eighty-Four)

Big Brother is a fictional character in George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. He is the enigmatic dictator of Oceania, a totalitarian state taken to its utmost logical consequence – where the ruling Party wields total power for its own sake over the inhabitants.
In the society that Orwell describes, everyone is under complete surveillance by the authorities, mainly by telescreens. The people are constantly reminded of this by the phrase "Big Brother is watching you", which is the core "truth" of the propaganda system in this state.
Since the publication of Nineteen Eighty-Four, the term "Big Brother" has entered the lexicon as a synonym for abuse of government power, particularly in respect to civil liberties, often specifically related to mass surveillance.

Purported origins

In the essay section of his novel 1985Anthony Burgess states that Orwell got the idea for Big Brother from advertising billboards for educational correspondence courses from a company called Bennett's, current during World War II. The original posters showed Bennett himself; a kindly looking old man offering guidance and support to would-be students with the phrase "Let me be your father" attached. After Bennett's death his son took over the company, and the posters were replaced with pictures of the son (who looked imposing and stern in contrast to his father's kindly demeanour) with the text "Let me be your big brother."
As well as Bennett, speculation has also focused on Lord Kitchener,[1] who among other things was prominently involved in British military recruitment in World War I. As a child Orwell (under his real name Eric Blair) published poems praising Kitchener and war recruitment in his local newspaper.
Additional speculation from Douglas Kellner of UCLA argued that Big Brother represents Joseph Stalin and that the novel portrayed life under totalitarianism.[2]

[edit]Appearance in the novel


In the novel it is not clear whether Big Brother is (or was) a real person or a fiction invented by the Party to personify itself.
In Party propaganda Big Brother is presented as a real person: one of the founders of the Party, along with Goldstein. At one point in 1984 Winston Smith, the protagonist of Orwell's novel, tries "to remember in what year he had first heard mention of Big Brother. He thought it must have been at some time in the sixties, but it was impossible to be certain. In the Party histories, of course, Big Brother figured as the leader and guardian of the Revolution since its very earliest days. His exploits had been gradually pushed backwards in time until already they extended into the fabulous world of the forties and the thirties, when the capitalists in their strange cylindrical hats still rode through the streets of London..." In the year 1984 Big Brother appears on posters and the telescreen as a man of about 45. Goldstein's book comments: "We may be reasonably sure that he will never die, and there is already considerable uncertainty as to when he was born."
When Winston Smith is later arrested, O'Brien, his interrogator, again describes Big Brother as a figure who will never die. When Smith asks if Big Brother exists, O'Brien describes him as "the embodiment of the Party" and that he will exist as long as the Party exists. When Winston follows up his question by asking "Does Big Brother exist the same way I do?", O'Brien replies "You do not exist."

[edit]Cult of personality

A spontaneous ritual of devotion to Big Brother ("BB") is illustrated at the end of the "Two Minutes Hate":
At this moment the entire group of people broke into a deep, slow, rhythmic chant of 'B-B! .... B-B! .... B-B!'—over and over again, very slowly, with a long pause between the first 'B' and the second—a heavy murmurous sound, somehow curiously savage, in the background of which one seemed to hear the stamps of naked feet and the throbbing of tom-toms. For perhaps as much as thirty seconds they kept it up. It was a refrain that was often heard in moments of overwhelming emotion. Partly it was a sort of hymn to the wisdom and majesty of Big Brother, but still more it was an act of self-hypnosis, a deliberate drowning of consciousness by means of rhythmic noise.[3]
Though Oceania's Ministry of TruthMinistry of Plenty, and Ministry of Peace each have names with meanings deliberately opposite to their real purpose, the Ministry of Love is perhaps the most straightforward: "rehabilitated thought criminals" leave the Ministry as loyal subjects who have been brainwashed into genuinely loving Big Brother.


Since the publication of Nineteen Eighty-Four the phrase "Big Brother" has come into common use to describe any prying or overly-controlling authority figure, and attempts by government to increase surveillance.
Ukrainian-American comedian Yakov Smirnoff makes frequent reference to both Big Brother and other Orwellian traits in his Russian Reversal jokes.
The magazine Book ranked Big Brother No. 59 on its 100 Best Characters in Fiction Since 1900 list. Wizard magazine rated him the 75th greatest villain of all time.[4]
The worldwide reality television show Big Brother is based on the novel's concept of people being under constant surveillance. In 2000, after the U.S. version of the CBS program "Big Brother" premiered, the Estate of George Orwell sued CBS and its production company "Orwell Productions, Inc." in federal court in Chicago for copyright and trademark infringement. The case was Estate of Orwell v. CBS, 00-c-5034 (ND Ill). On the eve of trial, the case settled worldwide to the parties' "mutual satisfaction"; the amount that CBS paid to the Orwell Estate was not disclosed. CBS had not asked the Estate for permission. Under current laws the novel will remain under copyright protection until 2020 in the European Union and until 2044 in the United States.
The iconic image of Big Brother (played by David Graham) played a key role in Apple's 1984 television commercial introducing the Macintosh.[5][6] The Orwell Estate viewed the Apple commercial as a copyright infringement, and sent a cease-and-desist letter to Apple and its advertising agency. The commercial was never televised again.[7]

The December 2002 issue of Gear magazine featured a story about technologies and trends that could violate personal privacy moving society closer to a "Big Brother" state and utilised a recreation of the movie poster from the film version of 1984 created by[8]
In 2011, media analyst and political activist Mark Dice published a non-fiction book titled Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True which analyses the parallels between elements of the storyline in Nineteen Eighty-Four, and current government programs, technology, and cultural trends.[9]
Computer company Microsoft patented in 2011 a product distribution system with a camera or capture device that monitors the viewers that consume the product, allowing the provider to take "remedial action" if the actual viewers do not match the distribution license.[10] The system has been compared with 1984's telescreen surveillance system.[11]

See also

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Frankenfish and the World of Genetically Modified Food

Frankenfish and the World of Genetically Modified Food

The scary ways our food supply is being screwed with and why you might not know you're eating altered fish

By Gretchen Voss, Photography By Dan Forbes
Frankenfish and the World of Genetically Modified Food The scary ways our food supply is being screwed with and why you might not know you're eating altered fish
Really, who among us has looked at a salmon glistening in the grocery store and wondered, Where did you come from?

If you've thought about it at all, you've probably assumed it's a matter of the birds and the bees: Girl fish meets boy fish, they hit it off, and he showers her thousands of eggs with his sperm. A little while later their offspring are hatched, grow to 10 pounds in about three years, and land on our grills.

Now, however, a biotechnology company near Boston wants to change all that. AquaBounty Technologies (ABT), using some snazzy feats of engineering and genetic code manipulations, has developed a fish—called AquAdvantage Salmon—that grows twice as fast as conventional ones. Pending FDA approval, ABT could be the first company in the world to market a genetically engineered animal as food.

In other words, the birds and the bees are about to get a turbo boost. On Prince Edward Island, in a secure facility surrounded by an eight-foot-high chain-link fence and monitored by video cameras and guards, ABT has concocted a "product" (salmon eggs) that it calls a triploid hemizygous all-female Atlantic salmon. Though the president of ABT, Ronald L. Stotish, describes the decidedly unsexy reproductive process as "a very simple thing," it is anything but. Because the growth hormones of regular Atlantic salmon are turned on only about three months out of the year, ABT created a genetic cocktail that makes the fish grow continuously. The company's scientists did this via a new gene construct that combines the growth hormones of a Chinook salmon with a regulator gene from an eel-like fish called an ocean pout. Then they injected the new gene into Atlantic-salmon eggs. The resulting fish reach market size in 18 months, half the usual time—so they can land on our grills faster.

The company claims that the new salmon, with its "shorter production cycles and increased efficiency of production," is one biotechnology answer to a global food problem. That it will provide more food for a hungry world by advancing the already $86 billion farmed-fish business, the fastest-growing segment of the seafood industry worldwide. And that it's perfectly safe for humans to consume. At least, ABT claims, there's no proof that screwing with an animal's genome makes it unsafe to eat.

So far, the FDA agrees. After reviewing and accepting the studies submitted by ABT this past fall, the agency is now considering whether to approve its application. If it does, these new fish could make their way onto our plates in the next few years.

But not without swimming in a sea of Frankenfish controversy. Critics are incensed that the FDA is regulating this transgenic animal food as an animal drug—since the DNA construct inserted into salmon eggs fits the definition of a drug—which means it's not undergoing the standard evaluations that foods typically do. They are concerned about dangerous, unanticipated health problems for humans who eat this food, and worried that an approval will pave the way for the other genetically engineered animals currently in the research-and-development pipeline. And what has them really burning: Consumers won't have the freedom to accept or reject this altered fish, since it most likely won't be labeled as such.

It may seem like a scary new Orwellian world, but futuristic biotechnology has already been replacing traditional agriculture, without the consent of consumers. Until now, however, that technology was confined to the genes of plants we eat. Not animals.

Tampering with Nature
It was in the 1970s that scientists discovered they could transfer genes from the DNA of one species into that of a wholly different one—that they could, in essence, monkey with Mother Nature and bust through the natural barriers created by millions of years of evolution. In the wake of this breakthrough, genetic engineers began creating artificial gene combinations by splicing genetic material from bacteria, viruses, and other organisms and forcibly injecting them into plant genomes to create novel traits.

At the time, the big hope of agricultural biotechnology was to create more nutritious food and more productive crops to feed a hungry world. In reality, what the companies developed were either crops with built-in pesticides (for example, Bt corn, which has genes from a soil bacterium inserted into its DNA so that every cell of the plant produces pesticidal toxins) or herbicide tolerance (such as Roundup Ready soybeans, which are engineered to withstand Roundup weed killer). In other words, the focus wasn't on cultivating food that was better for us, but on increasing profits for these companies.

By the 1990s, companies such as Monsanto, the developer of Roundup Ready seeds, were positioned to bring their products to market, and the U.S. government needed to devise a game plan to oversee these newfangled food crops. "The government decided that biotechnology was the technology of the 21st century and the U.S. had to lead the world," says Bill Freese, a science policy analyst with the Center for Food Safety, a nonprofit for public interest and environmental advocacy. "As part of that commitment, they decided on a very lax regulatory system."

That's because the FDA's 1992 policy on genetically modified (GM) foods was based on this premise: The foods derived from these new methods weren't different from other foods in any meaningful way—or at least, the FDA said, it wasn't aware of any information that indicated they were different. And so no safety studies were necessary, no labels were required, and ultimately, the food producers were responsible for policing themselves.

The regulatory process, says Freese, is a glorified rubber stamp. "It's totally unlike the drug-approval process, in which the FDA actually takes responsibility," he says.

"This is a radical new technology. We need very good, careful, close regulation, and we just don't have that. We can't be assured of the safety of any of these genetically engineered organisms."

In fact, contrary to popular belief, the FDA doesn't have the authority to require that companies seek an approval for GM crops. It provides only voluntary consultations. "So GM varieties that have never been fed to animals in rigorous safety studies, let alone to humans, are approved for sale in grocery stores," says Jeffrey M. Smith, author of Seeds of Deception.

And we have been chowing down on mass quantities of the stuff since the mid 1990s, without any labels to give us pause.

Indeed, as much as 80 percent of the processed foods filling the supermarket aisles and overflowing our shopping carts—including infant formula, salad dressing, bread, cereal, crackers, cookies, veggie burgers, frozen yogurt, protein powder, and alcoholic beverages—contain an engineered ingredient, mostly from soy, canola, and corn.

Playing Genetic Roulette
But now the concern that these genetically manipulated foodstuffs are harming human health is growing. Inserting a gene into a plant's genome is a random and haphazard process that allows no control over where the gene actually ends up in the plant's otherwise carefully constructed DNA. Insertions can show up inside other genes, can delete natural genes or permanently turn them on or off, and can cause significant mutations near the insertion site. For instance, one study found that a gene known to be a corn allergen was turned on in GM corn, though it was turned off in its conventional parent.

"It's genetic roulette," says Smith. "You can create carcinogens, anti-nutrients, toxins. We don't understand the language of DNA enough to predict what might happen. It's an infant technology, and we're making changes that are permanent in the gene pool of species."

The potential for allergenicity is an acknowledged problem, says Michael Hansen, Ph.D., a senior scientist at Consumer Union, publisher of Consumer Reports. In fact, food allergies doubled from 1997 (the year Bt corn entered our diets) to 2002. The EPA recently gave the University of Chicago a grant to assess whether the pesticides produced in genetically modified plants might be the culprit.

Agricultural biotechnology companies roundly dismiss these fears, saying that millions of Americans have been eating GM foods without ill effect. So if they are making us sick, why don't we know about it?

"The trouble is we don't have controls. We don't know what we're eating because we don't have labeling, so it's all just sort of a crapshoot," says Freese. "The GM corn is mixed in with regular corn, and then it enters the food supply. It's really impossible to trace the impacts." Since neither consumer nor manufacturer actually knows how much GM content is in their food, it's near impossible to investigate properly and expose a link to illness.

If the lab-created foods currently on the market are causing common diseases, we may not be able to identify the source of the problem for decades, if ever. Still, in May 2009, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, an international association of physicians interested in environmental impacts on human health, called for an immediate moratorium on GM foods. "Several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with GM food consumption," it stated in a position paper, citing infertility, immune dysregulation, accelerated aging, insulin regulation, and changes in the liver, kidney, and gastrointestinal systems. The group advised physicians to ask their patients to try to avoid GM foods, as "there is more than a casual association between GM foods and adverse health effects."

And yet, just this year, the USDA approved genetically engineered sugar beets (used to make sugar) and alfalfa. Next up: the first animal genetically engineered for food, in the form of one fast-growing salmon.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Use online tool to help You in big deal buying cars!!

One of the most used is BBK
I personal use to buy my last car and I made the seller lower the price because I have show him that I was prepare to win this battle for good deal

People in the automotive community are buzzing after announced that they have signed an agreement to purchase rival car research site Kelley Blue Book. Both AutoTrader and Kelley Blue Book have websites that allow consumers to research vehicles, so they can understand everything there is to know about a particular vehicle, including the price. Consumers have historically looked to Kelley Blue Book as a place to do car research, as you cannot actually purchase a vehicle on the site, although they can get you quotes from local dealers. Some consumers who visit AutoTrader are also there to conduct research, but most who visit AutoTrader are in the market to find and purchase a new or used vehicle. As part of the acquisition agreement, Kelley Blue Book will operate as a unit of AutoTrader and will continue to work from their headquarters in Irvine, California. However there is limited information out as of yet about how these two companies plan to merge what they both have to offer.
Consumers are all about research when it comes to the Internet, as they can be in the comfort of their own home, and spend as many hours as they like browsing through websites. This is especially true when it comes to big ticket purchases like a vehicle, as consumers want to buy a great vehicle for a reasonable price. Now with AutoTrader and Kelley Blue Book together, the two companies could easily dominate this very competitive market. One thing that is known about the acquisition, is that it will allow AutoTrader more leverage to capture a larger share of industry advertising dollars. Additional Autotrader will allow their classified listings to become available online at Kelley Blue Book, plus they will add a separate service that lets customers receive offers for their used vehicles on the Kelly Blue Book website. Anyone looking to jump into this automotive niche will now have a serious uphill battle, as they will have to contend with two of the biggest names in the industry working together.

What is Kelley Blue Book?

Kelley Blue Book is an independent vehicle valuation service that has been assisting car buyers since 1926. Thanks to a partnership with Kelley Blue Book, official Blue Book™ values are available on
Kelley Blue Book valuations are a great starting point when determining what a used car is worth. Keep in mind that a vehicle's condition, mileage, options and relative popularity in your area can all affect its actual selling price. Also remember that prices will vary based on the type of transaction that takes place -- retail (from a dealer), private party or trade-in.
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Types of Values

Trade-In Value
The Trade-in value represents what you might expect to receive from a dealer for a consumer-owned vehicle. Keep in mind that the dealer must absorb the costs of making the vehicle ready for sale, so trade-in values are almost always lower than retail or private party values.
Retail Value
The Kelley Blue Book Suggested Retail value represents the amount an auto dealer might ask for a specific vehicle. The Suggested Retail value is a starting point for negotiation; therefore, the actual sale price will vary. A vehicle's popularity, condition, warranty, color and local market conditions are factors involved in determining a final price. This retail value is not a trade-in or private party value.

The Suggested Retail value assumes that the vehicle has been fully reconditioned and has a clean title history. The Suggested Retail value also allows for advertising, sales commissions, insurance and other costs of doing business as a dealer. Most vehicles offered at this price have passed an inspection, and some may carry a warranty.
Private Party Value
Private Party value represents what you might expect to pay for a used car when you purchase it from a private party. It may also represent the value you might expect to receive when you sell your own used car to another private party.
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Vehicle Condition Descriptions

"Excellent" condition means that the vehicle looks great, is in excellent mechanical condition and needs no reconditioning. It should pass a smog inspection. The engine compartment should be clean, with no fluid leaks. The paint is glossy and the body and interior are free of any wear or visible defects. There is no rust. The tires are the proper size and match and are new or nearly new. A clean title history is assumed. This is an exceptional vehicle.
"Good" condition means that the vehicle is free of any major defects. The paint, body and interior have only minor (if any) blemishes, and there are no major mechanical problems. In states where rust is a problem, this should be very minimal, and a deduction should be made to correct it. The tires match and have substantial tread wear left. A clean title history is assumed. A "good" vehicle will need some reconditioning to be sold at full retail price; however, any major reconditioning costs should be deducted from the value. Most recent-model cars owned by consumers fall into this category.
"Fair" condition means the vehicle probably has some mechanical or cosmetic defects but is still in safe running condition. The paint, body and/or interior require the work of a professional. The tires need to be replaced. There may be some repairable rust damage. The actual value of cars in this category may vary widely. A clean title history is assumed. Even after significant reconditioning this vehicle may not qualify for the Kelley Blue Book suggested retail value.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Why am I required to enter a ZIP code? Entering a ZIP code allows us to return values that reflect pricing for your geographical region.
What about equipment on my car for which no check box is provided? In most cases, we include only the equipment that has an impact on the vehicle's value. Also, there are a few options -- such as alarm systems, heated seats and trip computers -- that are never shown. On certain models, these items don't occur with enough frequency in the marketplace to calculate an applicable value. That's not to say that such options are worthless because they may make your vehicle more marketable against similar models.
Why do you show a luggage rack as optional equipment on my van but not the ski rack that I installed myself? Only items that are factory installed or "factory quality" are valued. There are simply too many aftermarket items to identify all of them.
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Nic Cage 'Vampire' Photo Explain …

Does anti-matter matter?

Does anti-matter matter?
Tom J. Chalko
Mt Best Observatory, Mt Best, Vic 3960, Australia
Scientific Engineering Research P/L
Submitted on 10 November 2011, revised 13 November 2011
© Tom J Chalko 2011.

 This article can be freely distributed, providing that no content is altered or removed

 Inability to explain the exact nature of gravity has been puzzling scientists and
engineers on Earth since the times of Galileo and Newton. We clarify the definition of “mass”
and consider the basic integral properties of matter together with anti-matter in the context of the
entire Universe. We demonstrate a practical way of generating repulsive gravity force by
imitating the integral properties of anti-atom in the macroscopic form. Experimental verification
of presented gravity generation technique is obtained by explaining the expansion of the Universe
that has been observed by astronomers2.

It is universally agreed that in the early Universe amounts of matter and anti-matter were similar1.
The apparent dominance of matter over anti-matter in the observable Universe today is one of the
greatest and most fundamental unsolved problems in physics. Here we show that the observed
expansion of the Universe2 is a clear sign that the amounts of matter and anti-matter in the
Universe are and always have been similar. By exploring basic integral properties of anti-matter
we show that stable anti-matter in the Universe can only exist as anti-hydrogen in the
intergalactic space.

Everything in the Universe is in essence electromagnetic. Despite this quite obvious hint that the
force of gravity should also originate in electromagnetism, centuries of research has failed to
establish any sensible link between gravity and the electromagnetic reality of matter. As strange
as it seems, laws of gravity today remain totally independent of universally observed
electromagnetic reality of the Universe.
All forces in Nature have their opposites – they can be either attractive or repulsive. In many
centuries of research on Earth no one has ever observed repulsive gravity. What could be a reason
for this?

Let’s begin with examining a definition of “mass”.
“Mass” has been defined by Newton as a “measure of inertia” – a coefficient of proportionality
between applied force and resulting kinematic acceleration in an inertial frame of reference. Mass
defined in this way turned out to be a convenient way to measure the “amount of matter” in wide
range of situations and helped to reinforce the separation between mechanics and
electromagnetism. Some cosmological models distinguish between “inertial mass” and
“gravitational mass”, which only amplifies the confusion.

Let’s try to consider “mass” as one of the integral properties of electromagnetic oscillation
reality. We can actually consider mass as the ”energy integral” of electromagnetic oscillations - a
measure of their total embedded energy. Einstein has demonstrated3 that mass is indeed a good
measure of embedded electromagnetic energy. As energy integral contains only positive terms,
result of integration can only be positive.

Adopting an embedded energy approach, we can predict that the amount of energy embedded in
an anti-atom of anti-hydrogen should in essence be very similar to the amount of energy
NU Journal of Discovery Vol 7, Nov 2011,
embedded in atom of hydrogen and therefore “mass” of anti-hydrogen, understood as a measure
of its embedded electromagnetic energy required to maintain the structure, should be similar to
“mass” of hydrogen.

However, other integral properties of anti-hydrogen and hydrogen may differ due to the fact that
electromagnetic oscillations in anti-matter are arranged differently: in anti-matter positively
charged positrons oscillate around negatively charged anti-proton nuclei.
Specifically, when we integrate the force of interaction between two distant atoms and antiatoms,
we can expect that residual (resultant) force between two distant anti-hydrogen (aH) antiatoms
will be opposite to that between two distant hydrogen (H) atoms - simply on the basis of
general properties of integrals in mathematics.

So, if two distant atoms of H attract one another due to residual electromagnetic force, two
distant anti-atoms of aH should be expected to repel one another with a similar force.
Decades of research and astronomic observations have failed to find an anti-matter star or even a
single anti-atom of anti-helium. In view of the above considerations, this is to be expected. Antiatoms
of anti-hydrogen (aH) actually repel one another “gravitationally” so that they cannot form
a star. It becomes clear, that if anti-matter exists in the Universe in a stable form – it should exist
mainly as anti-hydrogen, because conditions for synthesis of heavier anti-matter nuclei are
unlikely to arise too often.

Could optical distortions (lensing) of astronomical objects be caused clouds of intergalactic antihydrogen?
Anti-hydrogen is likely to delay light that travels through it and hence its edges should
refract light, forming suspiciously transparent “lenses”.

Let’s try to consider residual electromagnetic force interaction between matter and anti-matter
based on the limited information available on Earth today.

If there existed an attraction force between atoms of hydrogen (H) and anti-hydrogen (aH), they
would have annihilated one another in the early Universe. A repulsive force between H and aH,
however, can explain the observed expansion of the Universe from its earliest stages of existence
until today.

If repulsive force between H and aH exists - all residual attraction and repulsion forces in the
entire Universe do not cancel out to zero if the amounts of matter and anti-matter in the Universe
are similar. The global result is repulsive and hence a young Universe in which amounts of matter
and anti-matter are similar is expected to accelerate its expansion at a constant rate.
Have we found an alternative to mysterious “dark matter” and even more enigmatic “dark
energy” that dominate current cosmological models? Could intergalactic space be filled by
sparsely distributed anti-hydrogen atoms that repel one another as well as matter and hence cause
the observable expansion of the Universe?
What experiment can we do on Earth to verify the above considerations? Can we mimic
configuration of anti-atom in laboratory conditions? Imagine two coaxial cyclotrons, moving
positive ions, such as 8-particles for example, in opposite directions.
NU Journal of Discovery Vol 7, Nov 2011,
particles This is the simplest possible “macroscopic model of anti-atom” that pro duces no magnetic field if
operating parameters of each cyclotron ring are the same, just like an anti-atom. However, in
contrast to statistically isotropic electromagnetic oscillations in anti-atom, oscillations in the
above system are anisotropic. For this reason, our experiment should create “gravitational
anisotropy” detectable along the axis of cyclotrons and proportional to the amount of energy
embedded in oscillations of positive charges. Cyclotrons about 1 meter in diameter should be
sufficient to demonstrate the effect.
Other strategies for investigating interaction between matter and antimatter are:
1. Study “gravitational” perturbations along axes of existing cyclotrons on Earth that carry
positively charged particles

2. Find “cyclotron objects” in the Universe that eject large amount of matter along their axes
of rotation and study them. For example, consider the process of star formation and the
observed fact that during specific stage of star ignition the associated star-forming
cyclotron ejects huge jets of matter along its axis of rotation, even though star-forming
gravity compression is so strong that atoms of hydrogen are forced to fuse into atoms of
helium. Could a presence of sufficient number of Helium nuclei (alpha particles, the
simplest positive ions in the world of matter) cycling sufficiently far away from the axis
of the cyclotron explain the ejection of mass in two jets both larger than our Solar
System? Can the ejection of mass along the axis of star-forming cyclotron be explained
any other way?

3. Detect and measure “gravity” acceleration of cold aH atoms created by large particle
colliders. In essence this experiment is an “inverse” of the experiment of Galileo: use a
vertical vacuum tower and introduce cold aH anti-atoms at the bottom of the chamber. If
considerations presented above are reasonable, aH should aim to leave Earth (and then the
Solar System) with constant acceleration before colliding at speed with some obstacle
composed from atoms and annihilating. Acceleration of aH before collision with matter
should be observable in a vacuum tower.

Our conclusions about the electromagnetic Universe that we are part of are based on perceiving
and interpreting a very limited set of integral properties of a limited number of components of
this Universe.
Integration, like averaging, inevitably leads to huge information loss. However, we should have
in mind that lack of information is also information and that even in situations when we do not
know all details of the processes being integrated - we can still rely on properties of the
integration process itself.
NU Journal of Discovery Vol 7, Nov 2011,
Adopting such an approach we can investigate possible properties of gravity force, even if we do
not fully understand its origin. We cannot directly integrate electromagnetic interaction forces
between two distant atoms to find a resultant (residual) force simply because our models of
electromagnetic oscillations in atoms or our equations of electromagnetism are not yet good

However, Nature performs this integration in real time and puts the result in front of our eyes: we
all experience gravity force in every moment of our lives. Gravitational attraction between
systems comprising many atoms is cumulative, simply because of fundamental properties of an
integration process.

Currently unexplained expansion of the Universe with constant acceleration may be a
consequence of basic integral properties of anti-matter and matter that co-exist in similar
quantities in the Universe, but in different locations. While matter is concentrated in galaxies -
anti-hydrogen occupies the intergalactic space.

From considerations presented above it becomes obvious that the Universe should have its
Center. Since coalescing matter gradually squeezes anti-hydrogen away from the Center, in a
middle-aged Universe the Center should become distinguishable by not expanding, but
gravitationally contracting locally, simply because of depleted quantity of locally available
intergalactic anti-hydrogen. Can we identify a zone on the Universe that contracts even though
“on average” the Universe continues its expansion? As anti-hydrogen is squeezed away from the
Center, all matter in the “ageing” Universe will eventually collect in the Center to provide the
energy for the next Big Bang. It is possible that our Universe is a result of evolution that took
many Bangs that gradually become larger and produced longer lasting and more interesting

The matter-anti-matter spherically expanding model of the Universe suggests that the background
radiation could be originating from decaying anti-hydrogen that exists beyond what we can call
an “edge of matter”. Observer located away from the Center would perceive the space expanding
in all directions, but should be able to detect ‘anisotropy” in space expansion along the direction
defined by his location and the location of the Center.
It seems that anti-hydrogen delay and anti-hydrogen lensing need to be considered in
interpretation of astronomical observations.

1. Sarkar, Utpal (2007). Particle and astroparticle physics. CRC Press. pp. 429. ISBN 1-58488-931-4.
2. Riess, A. et al. (1998). "Observational Evidence from Supernovae for an Accelerating Universe and a
Cosmological Constant". The Astronomical Journal 116 (3): 1009–1038
3. Einstein, A. (1905), "Ist die Trägheit eines Körpers von seinem Energieinhalt abhängig?", Annalen der
Physik 18: 639–643
4. Chalko T. J. (2001) “Is chance or choice the essence of Nature?” NU Journal of Discovery Vol 2, March
I wish to express my gratitude to Dr Barbara Hoare and Dr Greg Bull for revising and correcting the manuscript and
inspiring me to improve the clarity of my explanations.
Correspondence should be addressed to Tom Chalko

How to see and READ the AURA

There is nothing “paranormal” in the Universe, except our limited understanding of Nature. What we think we “know” on Earth now is just a tiny drop in the Ocean of Knowledge.

In the distant past, people admired things they could not explain and called them “miracles”. Long ago, people were able to see Auras. Advanced spiritual people such as Buddha, Christ and their immediate students were painted with golden haloes around their heads, because some artists could actually see Auras. In Australia remote West Kimberleys you can find prehistoric cave paintings (bottom left), many thousands of years old, depicting people with golden haloes. (photo courtesy G.L.Walsh) Nature gave us ALL we need to see Auras. All is required is the knowledge how to use your senses together with your conscious effort. If you decide not to try, you will NEVER see the Aura. On the other hand, when you SEE something for yourself, no longer will you need to rely on believing someone. You will KNOW. And you can use your knowledge to learn more.

Many great people in the past complained that "we have eyes and we do not see". Further in this document you will discover what they meant.

ANYONE can see auras to some degree. Rather than create an aura of mystery around my newly acquired skill, my approach is to show everyone what their eyes are capable of. When nearly everyone (including children) sees a similar thing, I consider this a part of our Nature and I say that it deserves our attention.

This page summarizes the content of regular lecture-workshops on seeing and Reading Auras held by Dr. Tom J. Chalko. It was written to be BRIEF. For best results you need to refer to it from time to time. If you want to arrange workshop and have a group of people ready, please contact the author. You can also buy Dr Tom J. Chalko workshop notes (an expanded version of this document).
What is the Aura ?
Everything in the Universe seems to be just a vibration. Every atom, every part of an atom, every electron, every elementary “particle”, even our thoughts and consciousness are just vibrations. Hence, we may define the Aura as a electro-photonic vibration response of an object to some external excitation (such as an ambient light for example). This definition is sufficient for the purpose of reading Auras, providing that we can train ourselves to see the Aura vibration.

The most important property of the Aura seems to be the fact that it containsINFORMATION about the object.

Aura around living (conscious) objects (people, plants ...) changes with time, sometimes very quickly. Aura around non-living object (stones, crystals, water...) is essentially fixed, but can be changed by our conscious intent. Above facts have been observed by scientists in Russia, who have been using Kirlian effect to study Auras for the last 50 years.

The Aura around humans is partly composed from EM (electromagnetic) radiation, spanning from microwave, infrared (IR) to UV light. The low frequency microwave and infrared part of the spectrum (body heat) seems to be related to the low levels of the functioning of our body (DNA structure, metabolism, circulation etc.) whereas high frequency (UV part) is more related to our conscious activity such as thinking, creativity, intentions, sense of humor and emotions. Russian scientists, who seem to be about 3 decades ahead of everyone else in Aura research, make experiments suggesting that our DNA can be altered, by influencing its microwave Aura. The high frequency UV part is very important and most interesting but largely unexplored. And this part can be seen with naked eyes.

Why do we need to see auras ?
Colors and intensity of the aura, especially around and above the head have VERY special meanings. Watching someone's aura you can actually see the other person's thoughts before you hear them expressed verbally. If they do not agree with what this person is saying, you effectively see a lie every time. No one can lie in front of you undetected. We cannot fake the Aura. It shows our True Nature and intentions for everyone to see.

Also, aura is our spiritual signature. When you see a person with a bright, clean aura, you can be SURE that such person is good and spiritually advanced, even if he/she is modest and not aware of it. When you see a person with a gray or dark aura, you may be almost SURE, that such person has unclear intentions, regardless how impressive, eloquent, educated, "good looking" or "well dressed" he/she seems to appear.

It is ESPECIALLY important to check the aura of any religious leader, "spiritual teacher", "master" or a "guru". Such a person should have a clearly defined yellow-golden halo around the head. If he/she does not have it, you are MUCH better on your own.

Joining a sect or a religion that is led by incompetent people without good Auras is very dangerous for your consciousness. Where is the danger ? When the time comes to really use the information stored in your consciousness from this lifetime, there may be almost nothing useful there, if you focus your life on following rituals and the flock of other people. In such case it is necessary to re-learn everything from the beginning. Most sect, religion and political leaders have only two things in mind: money and power to control people. And you can SEE it in their Aura for yourself. Imagine changes on Earth if many people can see Auras of their leaders and start choosing them on the basis of their Auras.

By reading Aura it seems possible to diagnose malfunctions in the body (diseases) long before physical symptoms become evident. By consciously controlling your Aura you can actually heal yourself.

However, healing of the physical body is nothing in comparison to what seeing and reading auras can do for our consciousness, spiritual development and our awareness of Nature.

Everyone has an Aura. But most people on Earth have VERY WEAK and dull Auras. This seems to be a direct consequence of their life long materialistic attitude negating and suppressing the development of consciousness, cultivating fear, envy, jealousy and other similar emotions. Such attitude suppresses their True Nature, and their Auras seem to become suppressed too.

When you learn to see Auras, be prepared for a REALLY HARD question: “Can you tell me what my Aura is ?” and the situation when you don't see any Aura or you see something you don't want to talk about. One of the best answers I found is “why don't you learn to see it for yourself ? “. And this is one of the main reasons why I teach people to see auras.

When people realize that their Aura is on display and many people are able to see it, they will watch what they think. And they will try to see and improve their own Aura. In the process they will become better and wiser, being able to recognize intentions of other people. Surely, the entire world will become much better if all people can see and read Auras.

Children and the Aura:
Very young children (up to 5 years of age) see auras naturally. Infants frequently look ABOVE a person in front of them. When they don't like the color of the aura above the head, or if this color is much different from their parent's aura, they cry, no matter how much smiling the person does.

Children have much cleaner and stronger auras than most of adults, who are usually completely enslaved by the materialistic world and suppress their Nature by following superficial examples. When I taught my 12 year old son to see his own Aura, he told me that when he was little he was able to see Auras most of the time. But no one paid any attention, so he thought that it was not important and maybe there was something wrong with his eyesight. This is a typical scenario. In my opinion children should learn to see and read Auras in a primary school, so they never lose this natural ability.

How to see and READ the AURA: Part 2
Our Eyes
With our eyes we can sense (perceive) a very narrow range of vibration frequencies of ElectroMagnetic (EM) vibration corresponding to wavelengths from 0.3 to 0.7 micrometers - from purple to red. A mix of the vibration frequencies in the above range we perceive with our eyes as color. We can measure this mix precisely by recording a spectrum of light, but only using special instruments, called spectrophotometers.

Colors perceived by our eyes are only our partial perception of MUCH more complex reality : complex vibration of light (and other vibrations as well). To explain the above statement, we would need to define the spectrum and explain how we perceive colorwith our eyes.

How to see Aura: developing auric sight
In an effort to see the Aura we need to:
 Increase the sensitivity of our eyes AND
 Extend the range of perceived vibration beyond the visible light.

It seems that we can accomplish the above by:

 Using and training our peripheral vision
 Increasing exposure
 Enhance visual sensation processing in the brain - enhance the communication between left and right hemispheres of the brain
Peripheral vision
Why should we use our peripheral vision? Our retina (the focal plane of the eye containing photosensitive cells) is less damaged there than in the central part. The central part of retina is constantly in use, and over the years suffers accumulated damage from excessive and/or artificial illumination (TV, computers, artificial light etc...). Also we have trained the central vision to be used in certain ways over the years.

Young children see auras much easier, because their central vision is not yet damaged. Once they go to school they are told to use their vision in a certain way, and gradually they lose their natural auric sight.
Increasing exposure
When we want to do a photo of a dark scene, we need to increase the time of exposure of the film. We can accomplish this for our eyes by concentrating exactly on ONE spot for a while (30-60 seconds).
When our eyes are moving, or a scene moves in front of our eyes, images are averaged by our eye. (25 TV frames per second seems a fluent motion). When we concentrate on one spot, we increase our sensitivity because we average the incoming light, cumulating its effect.
Our photosensitive cells (Red Green and Blue) operate as vibration sensors, much like 3 radio receivers tuned to 3 "colors" RGB. When you need to achieve a large vibration of , say, a swing - you can accomplish it using a very weak excitation force, but persist with it. Concentrating with your eyes on one spot you achieve a very similar effect: with a very small stimulation you can gradually swing your photo sensitive cells into large vibration, and this results in a visual sensation perceived by the brain.

Concentration exercise 1
Place the picture in Fig 1 about 1.5 m in front of you. Look exactly at the black spot for 30 seconds or so and observe colored dots with your peripheral vision. Resist temptation to look anywhere else but the black spot.

Fig 1. Image for concentration exercise

Note that colored areas seem to be surrounded by the “Aura” of a different color. When peripheral sensors are stimulated for some time, we have color sensations, much different than when we use the central vision. The longer you concentrate, the brighter is the “Aura” around colored areas, because your sensitivity increases. Yesterday you could look at this picture for hours and never see anything. Concentration at ONE spot for long enough is the key. Rather than the true Aura, this exercise demonstrates the principle of how to look to see human Auras by making you aware of certain specific capabilities of your eyesight and your perception.

Concentration exercise 2
This exercise aims to stimulate the communication between both hemispheres of the brain, thereby increasing the "processing power" needed to see Auras. Place the picture in Fig 2 about 1 meter in front of you. Stretch your hand forward so that one of your fingers is between and underneath circles.

Change focus on the tip of your finger and overlook the circles. You should see 4 circles. Then aim to overlap the middle two to see ONE CIRCLE WITH A WHITE CROSS on top of your finger, in the middle between the two. Seeing the cross is the evidence, that the left hemisphere of the brain (connected to the right eye) is communicating with the right hemisphere (connected to the left eye).

This exercise turns out to be extremely beneficial: 5 minutes of it seems to double the size of the electro-photonic aura as recorded by bioelectrography.

The cross will initially float and seem unstable. Experiment with the distance from your finger to your eyes to achieve a perfect cross. You gain a significant benefit after 3-5 minutes of maintaining a perfectly balanced cross, preferably without blinking, but a magic duration seems to be 45 minutes of concentration at the time, which is said to make a REAL difference to your mental and auric abilities.

In my experience it is best to start with a minute or two and gradually increase the time every week. Short and intensive concentration seems to be better than a longer one, interrupted by the lack of skill.

Gradually, with practice you should be able to achieve and maintain the cross without the finger. While maintaining the cross try to become aware of the other 2 circles as well as everything around using your peripheral vision. You should see Auric colors around the colored circles above with your peripheral vision. When you can analyze surroundings using your peripheral vision, without loosing the cross (and the concentration), you are ready to see and read auras.

Advanced levels of concentration :
One diameter in the cross seems usually "in front" of the other. This means, that one of your brain hemispheres seems to dominate the other. Males usually see the horizontal diameter above (left hemisphere dominates) females usually see the vertical diameter above (right hemisphere dominates).

Try to get the "hidden" diameter in front as much as possible, by concentrating, on demand. The final level of concentration is to achieve and maintain a perfectly balanced cross with all four arms of similar intensity, thereby achieving a perfect balance both hemispheres. Many people experience amazing effects here. Firstly, concentration gets much deeper. Secondly, after 2-3 minutes you seem like loosing sight, with bright background becoming dark purple or pink. Your sensitivity and awareness greatly increase.

Several people reported that wearing the Chakra Shirt significantly enhances such concentration, and my personal experience confirms this.

Colors and Auric Pairs

In concentration exercises 1 and 2 we noticed that real colors are surrounded with Auras of different colors. These auric colors are not random. Following is a list of Auric Pairs of colors for all clean colors of the rainbow (monochromatic colors).

red gives turquoise aura, turquoise gives red aura
orange gives blue aura, blue gives orange aura
yellow gives violet aura, violet gives yellow aura
green gives pink aura, pink gives green aura

The above table applies also to intermediate colors, for example yellow-green color gives a pink-violet aura. Note, that above Auric pairs are DIFFERENT than complementary color pairs, "color wheels" and "color spaces" promoted by the science and art on Earth. Every child can confirm that auric pairs listed above are true.

                A good look around will prove that the Nature is very fond of Auric Pairs. Take any red colored bird and you can be sure, that this bird will have turquoise body parts too. The same applies to blue-orange, yellow-violet and pink-green combinations, not only in birds, but in fish, butterflies, flowers etc.. - anything which is vividly coloured by Nature. Occasionally you will see “the next best” color instead of a perfect auric match. Have you noticed that MOST of flowers on Earth that grow on trees and are surrounded by GREEN leaves are either violet, pink(purple) or red? Auric Pairs in Nature are very stimulating, and frequently induce an overwhelming feeling of beauty and happiness.

You need to memorize and know well the above Auric Pairs. Why? Because if you see a pink Aura around someone in a bright green dress, there is a strong possibility that you see the "Aura" of a dress, not of a person.

How to see and READ the AURA: Part 3

Seeing the Aura

This exercise is designed to see Aura for the first time and/or practice seeing Auras. Choosing good conditions is important: not only you see the Aura better, but also to gain a confidence about what you see.
Situate the person in front of a very softly illuminated PLAIN WHITE background. A color background will change Aura colors, so you need additional knowledge about combining colors. Some combinations of background and Aura colors may cause misinterpretation problems.
Choose ONE SPOT to look at. The middle of the forehead is VERY GOOD. This is a location of so called Brow Chakra or the Third Eye. In some cultures (India) they put a mark on a forehead. Such a mark in ancient times could mean the invitation to look and see the Aura.
Look at this spot for 30 to 60 seconds or longer
After 30 seconds analyze surroundings with your peripheral vision, while still looking at the same spot. Continuing the concentration is most important. Resist temptation to look around. You should see that the background nearby the person is brighter and has a DIFFERENT color than the background further away. This is your own perception of the Aura. The longer you concentrate, the better you will see it. Remember, concentration on one spot increases your sensitivity by accumulating the effect of the Aura vibration reaching your eyes.
Taking a SNAPSHOT of an Aura.

After concentrating long enough to see the aura, close your eyes. For a second or two you will see the Aura ONLY. Be prepared. You have only one second or two until your photosensitive cells will stop vibrating and sending visual sensations to the brain. And if you miss is, you have to start concentrating again. Try to experiment how fast or slow you should close your eyes.

Observing auras of other people

The best is to look directly at someone's brow chakra (third eye or wisdom eye, which is located @1.5 cm above the nose, between eyes) and aim to achieve the state of mind similar to the concentration technique described above for at least 30-60 seconds. I have tried also looking at throat and heart chakras with similar results. However, if you concentrate on someone's chest it looks so unusual that the person concerned is usually very uneasy about it. When you look into someone's brow chakra you can actually continue conversation.

Again, VERY softly illuminated background, with no shadows is best. With practice, any uniformly illuminated background (such as a blue sky for example) will suffice.

How to see your own Aura

Stand about 1.5 m in front of a good size mirror. In the beginning it is best if the background behind you is plain white and there are no shadows. Illumination should be VERY soft and uniform not bright. Follow instructions above for seeing Auras.

PRACTICE for at least 10-15 minutes each day to increase your sensitivity and develop Auric sight. Remember that practice is required to develop Auric sight.

Auric sight and after-images

One of the most frequently asked questions during my workshops is: "Tom, are my eyes playing tricks on me ?" The answer is no, you have just learnt to pay attention to what your eyes are capable of. Light sensors in our eyes (Red Green and Blue) are vibration sensors which are highly non-linear and they have memory. The consequence of memory is that they can oscillate for up to several seconds after the visual stimulation has been discontinued.

This memory of visual stimulation is frequently perceived as afterimage. Afterimages have a precisely the same shape as original images. Afterimage of an object surrounded by its Aura is larger than the original image. The increase in such afterimage is due to the vibration of an Aura and actually represents a "snapshot" of an Aura. It is therefore essential to focus at one spot when watching the Aura and resist temptation to change the point of focus, otherwise an image of the Aura may become confused with the afterimage of an object.

Meaning of Aura and its colors

The Aura is a reflection of our True Nature at any given moment. At this point it is perhaps necessary to explain what do I mean by "True Nature" and why some effort is necessary to "discover" it. Our society seems to emphasize symbols, stereotypes, habits, manners, superficial behavior, pretending, following others and submitting free will to some "leaders". Our "education" seems to be based on views and expectations of people who try to control the flock.

Our True Nature is what is left when we recognize and discard all our habits, stereotypes, manners, and pretending, superficial behavior and become fully conscious, truly natural and spontaneous. Note that some people are so attached to their manners and habits that it is very hard, if not impossible, to discover who they really are. The only way to get an instant insight into their personality seems to be by watching their Aura, because the Aura shows their True Nature, behind any facade of superficial behavior.

In general, the more colorful, cleaner and brighter the Aura, the better and more spiritually advanced is the person. Also, the more uniform the energy distribution in the Aura, the healthier and more balanced the person is.

Distribution of the energy in the Aura seems to have the potential of a powerful medical diagnostic tool, but usually requires using a complex equipment. The scope of this article is to concentrate on what we can easily see with our eyes.

Our Aura surrounds the entire body, but the interpretation of colors below relates to the Aura around the head only. Meaning of colors around the head presented below suggested in the literature has been confirmed by the author. When you learn to see Aura well, you can verify it for yourself, by concentrating on certain thoughts while watching your Aura, or telling people what their thoughts are when you see their Auras.

Usually, people have one or two dominating colors (strong points) in their Aura. These colors (or their Auric pairs) will be most likely their favorite colors.

In addition to dominant colors, the Aura reflects thoughts, feelings and desires, which appear like "flashes", "clouds" or "flames", usually further away from the head. For example a flash of orange in the Aura indicates a thought or desire to exercise power and control. Orange as a dominant color is a sign of power and general ability to control people. Quickly changing "flashes" indicate quickly changing thoughts.

Meaning of Clean Colors of the Aura
(colors of the rainbow, bright, shiny, monochromatic colors):

Purple: indicates spiritual thoughts. Purple is never a strong point in the Aura. It appears only as temporary "clouds" and "flames", indicating truly spiritual thoughts.

Blue: Balanced existence, sustaining life, eased nerve system, transmitting forces and energy. People with blue strong point in their Aura are relaxed, balanced and feel ready to live in a cave and survive. They are born survivors. Blue thought is a thought about relaxing the nerve system to achieve the balance of the mind or a thought about surviving. Electric blue can override any other color in the Aura, when the person is receiving and/or transmitting information in a telepathic communication. For example Michel Desmarquet, author of "Thiaoouba Prophecy", frequently glows with the electric blue during his lectures, especially when he answers questions from the public.

Turquoise: indicates dynamic quality of being, highly energized personality, capable of projection, influencing other people. People with turquoise strong point in their Aura can do many things simultaneously and are good organizers. They feel bored when forced to concentrate on one thing. People love bosses with turquoise Auras, because such bosses explain their goals and influence their team rather than demand executing their commands. Turquoise thought is a thought about organizing and influencing others.

Green: restful, modifying energy, natural healing ability. All natural healers should have it. People with a green strong point in their Auras are natural healers. The stronger the green Aura, the better the healer. They also love gardening and usually have a "green hand" - anything grows for them. Being in a presence of a person with a strong and green Aura is a very peaceful and restful experience. Green thought indicates a restful state and healing.

Yellow: joy, freedom, non-attachment, freeing or releasing vital forces. People who glow yellow are full of inner joy, very generous and not attached to anything. Yellow halo around the head: high spiritual development. A signature of a spiritual teacher. Do not accept spiritual teachings from anyone who does not have such a yellow halo. Buddha and Christ had yellow halos extending to their arms. Today it is rare on Earth to find a person with a halo larger than 1 inch. Yellow halo appears as a result of a highly active brow chakra (which can be seen glowing with violet by many people at my workshops). Highly spiritual people stimulate the brow chakra continuously for many years, because they always have intensive spiritual thoughts in their minds. When this chakra is observed when highly active, a yellow (Auric pair) halo appears around it, surrounding the entire head. Yellow thought indicates a moment of joy and contentment.

Orange: uplifting and absorbing. Inspiring. A sign of power. Ability and/or desire to control people. When orange becomes a strong point, it usually contributes to a yellow halo, which then becomes gold, indicating not only a spiritual teacher, but a powerful spiritual teacher, someone capable of demonstrating his/her unique abilities. Orange thought is a thought about exercising power or a desire to control people.

Red: materialistic thoughts, thoughts about the physical body. Predominantly red Aura indicates materialistically oriented person.

Pink (=purple+red): love (in a spiritual sense). To obtain a clean pink, you need to mix the purple (the highest frequency we perceive) with red (the lowest frequency). Pink Aura indicates that the person achieved a perfect balance between spiritual awareness and the material existence. The most advanced people have not only a yellow halo around the head (a permanent strong point in the Aura) but also a large pink Aura extending further away. The pink color in the Aura is quite rare on Earth and appears only as a temporary thought, never as a strong point in the Aura.
Meaning of Dirty colors:
(colors appearing darker than background more like a smoke than a glow)

Brown: unsettling, distracting, materialistic, negating spirituality.

Gray: dark thoughts, depressing thoughts, unclear intentions, presence of a dark side of personality.

Sulfur (color of a mustard): pain or lack of ease, anger

White: serious disease, artificial stimulation (drugs). Why does the white color in the Aura indicate problems? White color is like a noise, rather than a set of harmonious tones (monochromatic colors). It is impossible to "tune" the noise to an orchestra playing harmonious music, hence the white Aura indicates a lack of harmony in the body and mind. Nature, which we are a part of, is harmonious. This harmony comes in discrete vibration "tones" or harmonics, partially described by the modern quantum physics.
Several hours before the death, the Aura becomes white, and greatly increases in intensity. For this reason in most cultures "death" is depicted in WHITE (not black), because in the past, people could actually see a white Aura before death. It seems that our ancestors knew much more than we are prepared to admit.

Amplifying your Aura vibration and bio-energy

Things which can greatly amplify your aura are:
Meditation (purifying your mind from any thoughts)
Concentration exercise with the cross
Matching your aura with the environment

How to see and READ the AURA: Part 4
Matching your aura with environment

-When we match vibrational frequencies (spectra) of what we wear with these emitted naturally by our body and mind we seem to create conditions to experience a state of harmony which is quite unique. The effect can be compared to “tuning” of a musical instrument. Without tuning, all you can make with the instrument is noise, rather than a harmonious music. Essentially there are 3 techniques for matching you Aura with surroundings:

-Matching your strong point. When we learn what are "strong points" (dominant colors) in our own Aura we can attempt to match our surroundings or clothes with our Aura. Re-decorating our home to achieve a better match will result in a positive stimulation of our psyche and will help to promote our well being in many aspects. According to what Nature does to stimulate us, we should use Auric color pairs aiming for such a match. For example if your Aura is predominantly green, you should use green as well as a light pink in your decorations or apparels.

-Match our surroundings to the frequencies of thoughts. Frequencies of thoughts were described in the Section dealing with meaning of colors in the Aura. For example, if you think about relaxing your mind (a blue thought) blue surroundings will amplify your thought. Note, that when you come out of the house in the morning and the sky is perfectly blue - you feel relaxed before you have the time to think about anything else. This is because any thought in the direction of relaxing the mind is assisted by blue vibration of the sky. When the sky is gray, you have depressing thoughts before you notice it. Note that blue jeans fashion is very popular, because it assists us in achieving a relaxed mind. Trying to promote brown jeans may prove quite useless.

-Match the frequency distribution along the body. This seems to be the Ultimate Natural stimulation, but requires specially designed clothes such as theChakra Shirt. Results seem to be quite similar to the action of the acupuncture, but instead of needles a set of 16 key colors is used. Some spectacular improvementsin people's bio-energy field (Aura) have been observed within minutes of putting it on.
                In any case, use of clean, near monochromatic (rainbow) colors seems essential. They can be subtle and delicate, but they should contain a distinctly clean "rainbow" harmonics of vibration.

Left: Improvement to human bioenergy field after a few minutes of bioresonant color stimulation. Composite reconstruction of human bioenergy field using the method of Korotkov.

Suppressing the Aura

Things which seem to reduce, muffle or distort your bio-energy (Aura) are:
FEAR, stress, anxiety, hatred, envy, jealousy or any other negative thought or feeling
Physical crisis in your body - disease, artificial stimulation (drugs) etc.. These can show a temporary increase in the aura size - this effect is similar to the effect of your body raising the temperature during sickness. You need to learn to READ the Aura to diagnose such a crisis. Most likely such increased Aura will be white.
Clothes and the environment clashing with your Aura. Dull colored clothes absorb your bio-energy rather than harmoniously enhancing it. It is interesting to note that males on Earth die much earlier than females, regardless of their cultural and ethnic background, diet etc. In my opinion it is related to the fact that males dress in black or gray colors for the most of their lives and rarely use colors. Females use much more colors in their garments and change them frequently. Interestingly, many male birds in Nature are much brighter colored than females. And THEY live longer. Nature always gives us a hint. All we need to do is observe it and adopt ideas from it. An immediate effect of wearing gray, black or brown clothes seems that that they make you tired quicker. Have you noticed that young people today look MUCH OLDER than they should?
Isn't it logical that we should avoid all of the above if possible? “Cultivating” any of the above for prolonged time can have a permanent effect on your psyche and your Aura.

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Astral Body

Frequently, the astral body is mistaken for the aura. Astral body is THE most important, eternal part of us, because our consciousness is embedded in it. Vibration of the aura stop when our physical body dies. The astral body is eternal: its life span is about 10e22 years, which approaches the lifetime of the Universe (it is quite a while). The astral body is an electronic mass containing about 4e21 (4,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) electrons. (seeThe Book).

Our physicists are yet to discover, that electrons in our astral body have tremendous memory capacity, and they in fact contain information and intelligence that controls all functions of our mind and body, including all healing processes. This astral body is actually true "us". Using a computer jargon, our physical body is the hardware, equipped with sensors, transmitters, receivers and actuators, and the electronic astral body contains the software, memory, data storage as well as the consciousness and the free will of the operator, deciding what to do.

It is possible that our physical bodies are imperfect, or get sick, simply because we have not yet developed our consciousness to build and control them any better. The ultimate goal is to be able to consciously control activity of every cell in our body and in particular to regenerate (rejuvenate) them at will. If we can accomplish this, we will be forever young and it will be up to us when and how we want to change our physical bodies. Also we will have a complete freedom to be either in the physical body (needed as a tool if you want to help others) or join the Source of consciousness, staying in your astral body. Imagine the joy and the fun we can have then. This is not a dream. This is reality.

There are only 2 things that can damage the information stored in our astral body and hurt us for many lifetimes to come: drugs and a loud noise .

Experiment to see your own astral body : Make both your index fingers nearly touching each other, preferably in font of a dark, matt background. Black background is OK. Look between fingers and around them and note, that the background close to your fingers is brighter. A bluish transparent and slightly shining glow responsible for this is actually a part of your astral electronic body. By joining your hands you close an electronic circuit, making the astral body more visible. The shape of your electronic astral body follows closely your physical body. Some people have their astral body quite strong and shiny, extending 10 mm or more beyond their physical body. Typically, 2-4 mm is considered average for a healthy person on Earth.

Was it good reading? Get the extended version of How to see and read the Aura in ourbookshop.
Suggested reading

The latest book by Dr Tom Chalko
Doubling the energy of your own aura
Chakra Shirt - amplify your aura and FEEL the difference
AURA - what we can measure: Kirlian effect: fascinating new perspectives
Bio-electrography - discovering the physics of LIFE
Learn the Astral Travel

The Book. This is one of the most important books in the last 2000 years of our "civilization".


Aura Kamera 6000 / AuraCam 6000 / Coggins Camera
What is the AuraCam 6000?
The Aura Camera consists of two handsensors which are connected through cables with the camera. Polaroid instant film is put into the camera. The camera is adjusted and aligned to the customer.The customer puts his left and right hand onto handsensors. The AURA CAMERA 6000 / Coggins Camera measures standardized biofeedback parameter through dual sensors. The measured points of resonance are connected with certain organs and the electromagnetic field and they deliver information about the energetic and Aura qualities of the person. By a patented operation these parameters are projected as a radiant, coloured aura field around the body on a poloroid film or onto the computer screen. Within one minute you can present a brilliant color photo or color printout to your customer.

The dual sensors of the aura camera 6000 guarantee a maximum of measurement precision and a high resolution. The ultra minimum basis design allows easy handling, long lasting stability and easy transport of the unit.

The AURA CAMERA 6000 includes a compensatory program as an additional function. Deviations in temperature, humidity and static electricity are balanced in the environment. This guarantees more precision and stability in the biofeedback measurement in your AURA IMAGING analysis.
Additional FeaturesSeveral interactive computer programs belong to the camera which can run on Windows PCs. This makes it possible for you to see the aura in real time on a computer monitor in connection with the camera. You can make color and text printouts with interpretations of the aura colors. Some interactive computer programs can be installed with the AuraCam 6000. These are all versions of Winaura and the Winaura6000 program. Hereby you can make the aura visible in real-time on the computer screen and you can have a printout for the color photo of the camera and up to 20 pages of text with the program Winaura 6000. Information about additional equipment for the auracamera 6000 (click).
Fields of use
Fields of use are anywhere: Therapy and health centers, healing sessions, aura and biofeedback studios, Meditation centers, seminar houses, bookstores, Gem and Aurasoma stores, Fairs... Click here to learn about more places where you could use an AuraCam 6000..
Instant Polaroid Film
Fuji manufactures instant film with the name Fuji FP-100C for the camera. Meanwhile we are working on solutions to use digital photo printers instead of usual instant film. If you are interested in inexpensive offers for instant film please feel free to contact us.
Royalty fee
Further developments of hard- and software (upgrades) and service (repairs) of the AURA CAMERA 6000 will be covered by a so called cartridge system of warranty modules. The warranty module will be inserted into the computer part at the left handplate of the camera. With each photo the warranty module will be decreased by one unit. After the warranty module is finished a new warranty module must be purchased to continue making photos. A new camera includes one 500 warranty module. Software upgrades will be freely distributed to customers who buy a new cartridge. If there is a repair of the camera it is free of charge to the benefit of the customer. The warranty module fee is an investment into future AURA IMAGING UPGRADES and new developments!
The AuraCam 6000 Package Consists Of:1. The AuraCam 6000, with built-in computer hardware and software
2. The software Aura Analyzer, which prints out and analysis of the aura photo.
3. Two hand sensors (biofeedback measuring device)
4. One 500 unit functional warranty module which counts and prints film usage
5. Portable carrying case
6. A training video, introduction book and manual
7. Black sheets for foreground and background
8. Full technical and marketing support.
Added bonus: If you buy the camera and hint to this offer here on the website you additionally get the computer programs Winaura and Winaura 6000 and the appropriate dongle key for the aura camera. (Value: around 3000,00 Euro extra)
TECHNICAL DATAPower: 1A - 115 VAC / 0.6A - 230 VAC
Voltage: 85 - 264 VAC
Frequency: 47 - 440 Hz.
Camera Measurements: 250mm x 230mm x 140mm (Height x Breadth x Width)Hand Sensor Measurements: 180mm x 150mm x 60mm (Height x Breadth x Width)Camera Weight: 3kg
Hand Sensor Weight: 1kg
Exposition time: 6 seconds
Time of Development per Photo: 60 - 90 sec
Film: Fuji FP-100 C, Polaroid Polacolor 100C
ROM: exchangeable and expandable
Processor: Mask- Micro- Chip
Other Notes: Printout in black-and-white or color via parallel port to any computer printer. Camera is protected against static electricity.