Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Anand vs Carlsen, 2013:All Their games

Chennai, India
The World Chess Championship 2013 was a match between the defending world champion Viswanathan Anand of India and challenger Magnus Carlsen of Norway, winner of the 2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament.
Anand Carlsen 2013
Carlsen opening with 1.c4 in critical round five.
The match gathered record-setting TV audiences in Anand's home country of India, and huge interest around the world. It took place from November 7-22 at the Hyatt Regency Chennai. Carlsen won the match 6.5 to 3.5, after ten of the twelve scheduled games.
The match started with on a timid tone, with both players employing extremely solid opening strategies, perhaps to conceal the bulk of their opening preparation. Carlsen opened games 1 and 3 with 1.Nf3, a move that he historically has seldom employed.
Carlsen was the first to draw blood in game 5 as he turned a tiny advantage from a Queen's Gambit into a powerful ending. The pressure continued in game 6 when Anand's Ruy Lopez went wrong and Carlsen again achieved a win. In game 9 Anand finally found what he was seeking: a complex position with good winning chances, but his attack went wrong after 28.Nf1? which lost immediately.
Three games down coming into round 10, the match was all but over for Anand, and a hard fought draw in game 10 finished the match at only 10 games, making Magnus Carlsen the 16th undisputed World Chess Champion. 
click on a game number to replay game12345678910

FINAL SCORE:  Carlsen 6½;  Anand 3½
Reference: game collection Anand-Carlsen WCC 2013

NOTABLE GAMES   [what is this?]
   · Game #9   Anand vs Carlsen, 2013   0-1
   · Game #6   Anand vs Carlsen, 2013   0-1
   · Game #5   Carlsen vs Anand, 2013   1-0

Chennai , India
El Campeonato Mundial de Ajedrez 2013 fue un partido entre el campeón del mundo Viswanathan Anand de la India y el retador , Magnus Carlsen de Noruega , ganador de los 2.013 candidatos del Campeonato del Mundo de Torneos .

Anand , Carlsen 2013

Apertura Carlsen con 1.c4 en la ronda crucial cinco.
El partido reunió a las audiencias de televisión de récord en el país natal de Anand de la India, y un enorme interés en todo el mundo . Se llevó a cabo del 7 al 22 noviembre en el Hotel Hyatt Regency Chennai. Carlsen ganó el partido 06.05 a 03.05 , después de diez de los doce partidos programados.
El partido comenzó con un tono tímido , con ambos jugadores el empleo de estrategias de apertura extremadamente sólidas , tal vez para ocultar la mayor parte de su preparación inicial. Carlsen abrió los juegos 1 y 3 con 1.Cf3 , un movimiento que históricamente rara vez se ha utilizado.
Carlsen fue el primero en extraer la sangre en el juego 5 cuando se volvió una pequeña ventaja de un Gambito de Dama en un final de gran alcance. La presión continuó en el juego 6 de Anand cuando Ruy López salió mal y Carlsen consiguió de nuevo una victoria. En el juego de 9 Anand finalmente encontró lo que buscaba : una posición compleja , con buenas posibilidades de ganar , pero su ataque fue mal después 28.Nf1 ? que perdió inmediatamente.

Tres juegos abajo llegan a la ronda de 10 , el partido estaba casi terminado para Anand, y un empate muy reñida en juego 10 terminó el partido en sólo 10 juegos , por lo que Magnus Carlsen en el Campeón del Mundo indiscutible 16a .

Ченнаи, Индия
Чемпионат мира по шахматам 2013 был матч между действующим чемпионом мира Вишванатан Ананд из Индии и претендентом Магнус Карлсен из Норвегии , лауреат 2013 чемпионата мира турнир претендентов .

Ананд Карлсен 2013

Карлсен открытие с 1.c4 в критическом пятом раунде .
Матч собрал рекордные телезрителей в стране Ананда из Индии, и огромный интерес во всем мире. Он проходил с ноября 7-22 в Hyatt Regency Ченнаи. Карлсен выиграл матч 6,5 до 3,5, после десяти из двенадцати запланированных игр.
Матч начался с на робким тоном , с обоих игроков используя чрезвычайно твердые стратегии открытия , возможно , чтобы скрыть большую часть своей дебютной подготовки . Карлсен открыл игры 1 и 3 с 1.Nf3 , шаг, который он исторически редко используемой .
Карлсен был первым до крови в игре 5 , когда он повернулся крошечный преимущество от гамбитаКоролевы в мощный финал. Давление продолжали в игре 6, когда Ананда Испанская партия пошло не так и Карлсен снова достигнут выигрыш. В игре 9 Ананд наконец нашел то, что искал : сложную позицию с хорошими шансами на победу , но его атака пошло не так после 28.Nf1 ? который потерял сразу .
Три игры вниз вступления в 10-м раунде , матч был почти над для Ананда , итрудно бороться ничья в игре 10 закончил матч всего в 10 играх , что делает Магнус Карлсен 16-й бесспорным чемпион мира по шахматам .

Все игры
Chennai, Indiya
Chempionat mira po shakhmatam 2013 byl match mezhdu deystvuyushchim chempionom mira Vishvanatan Anand iz Indii i pretendentom Magnus Karlsen iz Norvegii , laureat 2013 chempionata mira turnir pretendentov .

Anand Karlsen 2013

Karlsen otkrytiye s 1.c4 v kriticheskom pyatom raunde .
Match sobral rekordnyye telezriteley v strane Ananda iz Indii, i ogromnyy interes vo vsem mire. On prokhodil s noyabrya 7-22 v Hyatt Regency Chennai. Karlsen vyigral match 6,5 do 3,5, posle desyati iz dvenadtsati zaplanirovannykh igr.
Match nachalsya s na robkim tonom , s oboikh igrokov ispol'zuya chrezvychayno tverdyye strategii otkrytiya , vozmozhno , chtoby skryt' bol'shuyu chast' svoyey debyutnoy podgotovki . Karlsen otkryl igry 1 i 3 s 1.Nf3 , shag, kotoryy on istoricheski redko ispol'zuyemoy .
Karlsen byl pervym do krovi v igre 5 , kogda on povernulsya kroshechnyy preimushchestvo ot gambitaKorolevy v moshchnyy final. Davleniye prodolzhali v igre 6, kogda Ananda Ispanskaya partiya poshlo ne tak i Karlsen snova dostignut vyigrysh. V igre 9 Anand nakonets nashel to, chto iskal : slozhnuyu pozitsiyu s khoroshimi shansami na pobedu , no yego ataka poshlo ne tak posle 28.Nf1 ? kotoryy poteryal srazu .
Tri igry vniz vstupleniya v 10-m raunde , match byl pochti nad dlya Ananda , itrudno borot'sya nich'ya v igre 10 zakonchil match vsego v 10 igrakh , chto delayet Magnus Karlsen 16-y besspornym chempion mira po shakhmatam .

Vse igry

Chennai , Inde
Le Championnat du monde d'échecs 2013 a été un match entre le champion du monde en titre Viswanathan Anand de l'Inde et challenger Magnus Carlsen de Norvège , vainqueur du Championnat du Monde 2013 Tournoi des Candidats .

Anand Carlsen 2013

Carlsen ouverture avec 1.c4 au tour critique cinq .
Le match a rassemblé les téléspectateurs de records dans le pays d' Anand de l'Inde , et un énorme intérêt dans le monde entier . Il a eu lieu du 7-22 Novembre à l'hôtel Hyatt Regency Chennai . Carlsen a gagné le match 6.5 à 3.5 , après dix des douze jeux réguliers .
Le match a commencé avec un ton timide , avec deux joueurs en utilisant des stratégies d'ouverture extrêmement solides , peut-être pour cacher la majeure partie de la préparation de leur ouverture . Carlsen a ouvert les jeux 1 et 3 avec 1.Nf3 , un mouvement qu'il a historiquement rarement utilisé .
Carlsen a été le premier à tirer du sang dans le jeu 5 en se tournant un petit avantage de la manoeuvre de la Reine dans une fin puissante . La pression a continué dans le jeu 6 quand Ruy Lopez Anand s'est mal passé et Carlsen à nouveau réalisé une victoire . Dans le jeu 9 Anand a enfin trouvé ce qu'il cherchait : une position complexe avec de bonnes chances de gagner, mais son attaque a mal tourné après 28.Nf1 ? qui a perdu immédiatement.
Trois jeux en bas entrée en ronde de 10 , le match était presque terminée pour Anand , et un tirage dur combat dans le jeu 10 terminé le match à seulement 10 jeux , ce qui Magnus Carlsen incontesté champion du monde d'échecs 16 .

tous les jeux

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

These 5 far-out space projects are making science fiction a reality

By John Aziz
Anyone who has watched cell phones change from huge brick-like blocks into sleek touchscreen smartphones knows that we are living in an era of massive, swift technological change. But bigger changes are coming.
Many scientists, technologists and futurists want to begin to colonize space. And there are many, many new projects underway to accomplish just that. Here are five of the best:
5. NASA will begin growing plants on the Moon in 2015
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NASA recently announced a plan — the Lunar Plant Growth Habitat — to grow plants on the moon starting in 2015 for a project aimed at testing technology to improve humanity’s chances of colonizing space.
Scientists, contractors, and students are already working on a small metal-encased habitat containing seeds, soil, water, and fertilizer to send to the moon. NASA plans to deliver the habitat to the Moon in 2014 via the Moon Express lander, a commercial spacecraft enrolled in the Google Lunar X Prize.
According to NASA, after landing in late 2015, water will be added to the seeds in the module and their growth will be monitored for five to 10 days and compared to Earth-based controls. Seed varieties grown will include rock cress, basil, and turnips.
4. NASA is developing a 3D printer to print food in space
(Courtesy Shutterstock)
There’s a joke that says that the first thing that some people will want to print on their 3D printer is a 2D printer that works consistently, but this hasn’t deterred NASA from developing a 3D printer to print food from basic chemical elements in space.
Why? NASA says that because refrigeration and freezing requires a lot of energy, space foods consumed on current missions consist solely of individually prepackaged, shelf-stable foods that are processed with technologies that degrade the micronutrients in the foods. NASA argues that the current food system wouldn't meet the nutritional needs and five-year shelf life required for a mission to Mars or other long duration missions. 3D printed food could be prepared freshly, on demand, and customized to suit an individual astronaut’s taste.
Such a thing might have applications down on Earth, too. A machine that can turn basic chemicals into a range of complex foods — with new recipes downloadable from the internet — would probably find a large market, so long as it was affordable.
3. Two companies will begin mining asteroids in 2016
(Deep Space Industries)
In 2015, the first of Deep Space Industries’ (DSI) exploration satellites, the FireFly, will blast into space, and start analyzing asteroids to find rocks suitable for mining. In 2016, the company’s second and larger probe, the DragonFly, will launch on a mission to bring back a sample of up to 150Kg of material to Earth. The same year, another venture, Planetary Resources, expects to launch prospecting craft seeking suitable asteroids for mining with the aim of processing asteroidal material in space by 2020.
Why do companies want to mine resources out of asteroids? Well, in the short term, asteroids can provide hydrogen, oxygen, metals, and hydrocarbons that can be used for construction and fuels in space. Mining asteroids could provide a space-based source of fuel for satellites and other spacecraft. Lifting equipment from Earth and transporting it through space is still very costly; future colonies on the Moon or Mars would be far cheaper if they make use of local materials for construction, fuelling, and life support systems.
In the long term, we live on a world with finite resources, and asteroids offer massive payloads of materials. For example, a large asteroid called 16 Psyche, in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, is estimated to contain enough nickel-iron to satisfy mankind's current demand for those two industrial metals for millions of years.
2. A Japanese construction firm is planning to turn the Moon into a giant solar power plant
(Shimizu Corporation)
Tokyo-based Shimizu Corporation wants to lay a colossal belt of solar panels around the 6835 mile equator of the Moon. This would result in a consistent supply of energy, as the Moon has no weather that can block out the Sun. To get the power down to the Earth, they intend to relay the energy to receiving stations on Earth by either laser or microwave transmission.
Shimizu calculates that the array would be capable of sending 13,000 terawatts of power to Earth. In 2011, the United States only generated 4,100 terawatts of power in total. This plan, successfully implemented, would provide huge quantities of clean accessible energy for the world.
Shimizu declined to put a price tag on the cost of construction at this early stage in the project, but wants to begin construction in 2035.
1. NASA is working on a faster-than-light warp drive
(Facebook/Star Wars)
Albert Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity established that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. Unfortunately, our nearest star Alpha Centauri is four and a half light years away, meaning that a roundtrip even at the speed of light would take almost a decade. Travel at those speeds would mean that colonizing the galaxy would be an extremely slow and arduous process.
Fortunately, Miguel Alcubierra, a Mexican physicist, has thought of a way to dramatically reduce this. Instead of trying to travel faster than the speed of light, try bending space. In his 1994 paper entitled, "The Warp Drive: Hyper-Fast Travel Within General Relativity," Alcubierre suggested a mechanism to generate a warp bubble ofnegative vacuum wave energy that moves spacetime around the space craft. This would mean that journeys that would take years or decades at the speed of light can be accomplished in weeks or months.
Alcubierre’s idea, however, was originally dismissed as too impractical. It was calculated that to create a warp bubble large enough to move a spacecraft would require ridiculously huge amounts of energy, equivalent to the mass of the planet Jupiter, or 317 times the mass of Earth.
However, NASA physicist Harold White continued playing with Alcubierre’s equations. By tweaking the shape of the warp drive from a belt shape to a donut shape, he managed to get the energy requirement down from the equivalent of Jupiter to just 1,600 pounds. White and his team at NASA are currently conducting experiments to prove the concept works in the real world.

Monday, December 2, 2013

China Moon Rover Mission to be 1st Lunar Landing in 37 Years

By Robert Z. Pearlman
China's first lunar rover is bound for the moon after launching Sunday (Dec. 1) on a mission that, if successful, will establish China as the third nation to soft land a spacecraft on Earth's natural satellite.

China's Chang'e 3 probe, with its "Yutu" moon rover, lifted off at 11:30 a.m. CST (1730 GMT; 1:30 a.m. Dec. 2 local time) on top of a Long March 3B rocket from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in the country's southwest region. [Photos: China's Chang'e 3 moon rover mission in pictures]Further, if all goes as planned, China's Chang'e 3 mission will mark the first time any spacecraft has made a soft landing on the moon since the former Soviet Union's Luna 24 unmanned mission in August 1976. The last of the Luna series of Soviet spacecraft, Luna 24 was the third and last lunar landing mission to follow the final U.S. visit to the moon’s surface on the manned Apollo 17 mission four years earlier.
The Chang'e 3 lander and rover are expected to enter orbit around the moon Friday (Dec. 6) and then spend another week decelerating through six stages, lowering it to just 9 miles (15 km) above the surface, according to the state-run news agency Xinhua.
Then on Dec. 14, the 8,400-pound (3,800-kg) four-legged lander will attempt a powered descent to the moon's Sinus Iridum, or Bay of Rainbows, autonomously navigating to a touchdown using onboard optical and microwave sensors.
Once on the surface, the 310-pound (140-kg) six-wheeled rover will drive down a ramp from atop the lander to begin surveying its surroundings.
The rover will be the first to explore the Bay of Rainbows, a plain of basaltic lava that was previously mapped by China's Chang'e 2 lunar orbiter in 2010.
Goddess and her rabbit on the moon
On July 20, 1969, as astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were just hours from becoming the first men to land on the moon, NASA Mission Control in Houston called to the moonwalkers' crewmate Michael Collins with the day's news.
"Among the large headlines concerning Apollo ... is one asking that you watch for a lovely girl with a big rabbit," Mission Control radioed. "An ancient legend says that a beautiful Chinese girl called Chang'e has been living there for 4,000 years."
"You might also look for her companion, a large Chinese rabbit, who is easy to spot since he is always standing on his hind feet in the shade of a cinnamon tree," the Capcom (capsule communicator) added.
"Okay," Collins replied from lunar orbit. "We'll keep a close eye out for the bunny girl."
The Chang'e 3 rover was named "Yutu," or "Jade Rabbit," after the goddess' pet white rabbit of Chinese folklore. The name was chosen following a poll that sought ideas from Chinese citizens worldwide.
"Yutu is a symbol of kindness, purity and agility, and is identical to the moon rover in outlook and connotation." Li Benzheng, the deputy chief of China's moon program said. "Yutu also reflects China's peaceful use of space."
Built to collect data about the moon's geological structure and subsurface composition, the Yutu rover is also tasked with seeking out natural resources, according to Xinhua.
The 5-foot tall (1.5 meter) rover is equipped with a camera, two spectrometers and a radar unit powered by two solar arrays. Yutu is also outfitted with radioisotope heaters to warm the rover over the lunar nights.
Three phases to the moon program
Chang'e 3 is the third of China's missions to the moon and the second "step" in the nation's plans for unmanned lunar exploration, leading to the return of samples to Earth.
Chang'e-1 was launched in October 2007 on a mission to collect three-dimensional images of the lunar surface from orbit, as well as gather data on the chemical makeup of the moon and the distribution of resources.
China's maiden mission to the moon ended in March 2009 when the orbiter impacted the surface.
Chang'e 2 built upon the success of its predecessor, while preparing China for its first mission to land on the moon. Launched in October 2010, the orbiter mapped potential landing sites for the rover before leaving the moon for the Earth-Sun Lagrangian-2 point, testing the Chinese tracking and control network.
Chang'e 2 then conducted a flyby of asteroid Toutatis in December 2012, establishing China as the fourth nation to explore an asteroid and further testing the country's deep space tracking systems.
The Chang'e 3 mission comes 10 years after China's first human spaceflight, Shenzhou 5 in October 2003. Currently focused on deploying a space stationinto Earth orbit by 2020, China's long range crewed spaceflight goals include landing astronauts ("taikonauts") on the moon.