Saturday, April 28, 2012



Sabías que en el año 1931 un científico recibió el premio Nobel por descubrir la CAUSA PRIMARIA del cáncer?

Ese fue este señor:

Otto Heinrich Warburg (1883-1970).
Biography Otto Heinrich Warburg
Premio Nobel 1931 por su tesis "la causa primaria y la prevención del cáncer"

Según este científico, el cáncer es la consecuencia de una alimentación antifisiologica y un estilo de vida antifisiológico....

¿Porque?...porque una alimentación antifisiologica (dieta basada en alimentos acidificantes y sedentarismo), crea en nuestro organismo un entorno de ACIDEZ

La acidez, a su vez EXPULSA el OXIGENO de las células...

El afirmo:

"La falta de oxígeno y la acidosis son las dos caras de una misma moneda: cuando usted

tiene uno, usted tiene el otro."

" Las substancias ácidas rechazan el oxígeno; en cambio, las substancias alcalinas atraen el oxígeno "

Ósea que en un entorno acido, o si.. es un entorno sin oxigeno.

y el afirmaba que

"Privar a una célula de 35% de su oxígeno durante 48 horas puede convertirlas en


Según Warburg

"Todas las células normales tienen un requisito absoluto para el oxígeno, pero las células

cancerosas pueden vivir sin oxígeno - una regla sin excepción."

y también:

" Los tejidos cancerosos son tejidos ácidos, mientras que los sanos son tejidos alcalinos."

En su obra "El metabolismo de los tumores" Warburg demostró que todas las formas de cáncer se caracterizan por dos condiciones básicas: la acidosis y la hipoxia (falta deoxígeno).

También descubrió que las células cancerosas son anaerobias (no respiran oxígeno) y NO PUEDEN sobrevivir en presencia de altos niveles de oxígeno; En cambio, sobreviven gracias a la GLUCOSA siempre y cuando el entorno esté libre de oxígeno...

Por lo tanto, el cáncer no sería nada ms que un mecanismo de defensa que tienen ciertas células del organismo para continuar con vida en un entorno acido y carente de oxigeno...


Células sanas viven en un entorno alcalino, y oxigenado, lo cual permite su normal funcionamiento

Las Células cancerosas viven en un ambiente extremadamente acido y carente de oxígeno


Una vez finalizado el proceso de la digestión, los alimentos de acuerdo a la calidad de proteínas, hidratos de carbono, grasas, minerales y vitaminas que otorgan, generaran una condición de acidez o alcalinidad al organismo.

El resultado acidificante o alcalinizante se mide a través de una escala llamada PH, cuyos valores se encuentran en un rango de 0 a 14, siendo el PH 7 un PHneutro.

Es importante saber cómo afectan la salud los alimentos ácidos y alcalinos, ya que para que las células funcionen en forma correcta y adecuada su PH debe ser ligeramente alcalino. En una persona sana el PH de la sangre se encuentra entre 7,40 y 7,45. Tener en cuenta que si el pH sanguíneo, caería por debajo de 7, entraríamos en un estado de coma próximo a la muerte.

Entonces, ¿qué tenemos que ver nosotros con todo esto?

Analizando la alimentación promedio:

Alimentos que acidifican el organismo:

#Azúcar refinada y todos sus productos (el peor de todos: no tiene ni proteínas ni grasas ni minerales ni vitaminas, solo hidratos de carbono refinados que estresan al páncreas. Su PH es de 2,1, osea altamente acidificante)

#Carnes (todas)

#Leche de vaca y todos sus derivados

#Sal refinada

#Harina refinada y todos sus derivados (pastas, galletitas, etc.)

#Productos de panadería (la mayoría contienen grasas saturadas, margarina, sal, azúcar y conservantes)







#Cualquier alimento cocinado (La cocción elimina el oxigeno y lo transforma en acido) inclusive las verduras cocinadas.

#Todo lo que contenga conservantes, colorantes, aromatizantes, estabilizantes, etc.

En fin: todos los alimentos envasados.

Constantemente la sangre se encuentra auto-regulándose para no caer en acidez metabólica, de esta forma garantiza el buen funcionamiento celular, optimizando el metabolismo. El organismo Debería obtener de los alimentos las bases (Minerales) para neutralizar la acidez de la sangre de la metabolización , pero todos los alimentos ya citados, aportan muy poco, y en contrapartida Desmineralizan el organismo (Sobre todo los refinados)

Hay que tener en cuenta que en el estilo de vida moderno,

estos alimentos se consumen 5 veces por día los 365 días del año!!!

Curiosamente todos estos alimentos nombrados, son ANTI FISIOLÓGICOS!!...Nuestro organismo no está diseñado para digerir toda esa porquería!!!

Alimentos Alcalinizantes

#Todas las verduras Crudas (algunas son acidas pero dentro del organismo tienen reacción alcalinizante, otras son levemente acidificantes pero consigo traen las bases necesarias para su correcto equilibrio) y crudas aportan oxígeno, cocidas no.

#Frutas, igual que las verduras, pero por ejemplo el limón tiene un PH aproximado de 2.2, pero dentro del organismo tiene un efecto altamente alcalinizante (quizás el más poderoso de todos). Las frutas aportan saludables cantidades de oxígeno.

#Semillas: aparte de todos sus beneficios, son altamente alcalinizantes como por ejemplo las almendras.

#Cereales integrales: El único cereal integral alcalinizante es el Mijo, todos los demás son ligeramente acidificantes pero muy saludables!..Todos deben consumirse cocidos.

#La miel es altamente alcalinizante

#La clorofila de las plantas (de cualquier planta) es altamente alcalinizante (sobre todo el aloe vera)

#El agua es importantísima para el aporte de oxigeno "La deshidratación crónica es el estresante principal del cuerpo y la raíz de la mayor parte de las enfermedades degenerativas" afirma el Dr. Feydoon Batmanghelidj

#El ejercicio oxigena todo tu organismo, el sedentarismo lo desgasta

El Doctor George w. Crile, de Cleverand, uno de los cirujanos más importantes del mundo

quien declara abiertamente:


“Todas las muertes mal llamadas naturales no son más que el punto terminal de una saturación de ácidos en el organismo” Contrario a lo anterior es totalmente imposible que un cáncer prolifere en una persona que libere su cuerpo de la acidez, nutriéndose con alimentos que produzcan reacciones metabólicas alcalinas y aumentando el consumo del agua pura; y que, a su vez, evite los alimentos que originan dicha acidez, y se cuide de los elementos tóxicos. En general el cáncer no se contagia ni se hereda…lo que se hereda son las costumbres alimenticias, ambientales y de vida que lo producen."

Mencken escribió:

“La lucha de la vida es en contra de la retención de ácido”. "El envejecimiento, la falta de energía, el mal genio y los dolores de cabeza, enfermedades del corazón, alergias, eczemas, urticaria, asma, cálculos y arteriosclerosis no son más que la acumulación de ácidos."

El Dr. Theodore A. Baroody dice en su libro “Alkalize or Die” (alcalinizar o morir):


"En realidad no importa el sin número de nombres de enfermedades. Lo que sí importa es que todas provienen de la misma causa básica...muchos desechos ácidos en el cuerpo!” .

El Dr. Robert O Young dice:


“El exceso de acidificación en el organismo es la causa de

todas las enfermedades degenerativas. Cuando se rompe el equilibrio y el organismo comienza a producir y almacenar más acidez y desechos tóxicos de los que puede eliminar, entonces se manifiestan diversas dolencias.

¿ Y la quimioterapia ?

No voy a entrar en detalles, solamente me voy a limitar a señalar lo obvio: La quimioterapia acidifica el organismo a tal extremo, que este debe recurrir a las reservas alcalinas de forma inmediata para neutralizar tanta acidez,sacrificando bases minerales (Calcio, Magnesio, Potasio) depositadas en huesos,dientes, uñas, articulaciones, uñas y cabellos. Es por ese motivo que se observa semejante degradación en las personas que reciben este tratamiento, y entre tantas otras cosas, se les cae a gran velocidad el cabello.

Para el organismo no significa nada quedarse sin cabello, pero un PH acido significaríala muerte.

En necesario decir que esto no se da a conocer porquela industria del cáncer y la quimioterapia son uno de los negocios mas multimillonarios que existen hoy en día?

En necesario decir que la industria farmacéutica y la industria alimenticia son una sola entidad?

¿ Te das cuenta lo que significa esto ?

Cuantos de nosotros hemos escuchado la noticia de alguien que tiene cáncer y siempre alguien dice: "y si... le puede tocar a cualquiera..."

A cualquiera?

La ignorancia, justifica... el saber, condena.

Que el alimento sea tu medicina, que tu medicina sea el alimento. Hipócrates.





Saturday, November 12, 2011

Online Banking Alerts to your Email, Cell phone* or Pager

To use this service, your device (Cell phone or pager) must be capable of receiving text messages.

Cell Phone
Service Provider Device Address Example
ATT \ Cingular your cell phone
Nextel your cell phone
Sprint PCS your cell phone
T-Mobile your cell phone
Verizon your cell phone
Metro PCS your cell
Service Provider Device Address Example
SkyTel your pager

Standard text message rates may apply.

send text from your email

Desde Email. (att) (Tmobil) (Verizon) (Spring)

How to crack a Program

In this tutorial I will be showing you how to reverse engineer a program so that the serial key you enter is always right. This video was made for educational purposes only, The program I choose to hack is called SUPER AntiSpyware Professional and the program I choose to hack it with is Olly Debug, please let me know if you would like me to make more videos on how to crack diffrent programs.
Links ( Download Olly Debugger)
SuperAntiSpyware Program- ... r.exe.html
And for the lazy people out there who just want the program cracked download the patch I made ...

Faster download manager

You know the story: although your ISP claims that your connection is lightning fast, those huge video files you just grabbed off Google Video and YouTube are taking forever to download. Most people figure that slow download speeds are normal. If you use the built-in download manager in your browser, it is normal. Fortunately, you can change that by simply getting a new download manager.

Here are a few to get you started; some are ugly, some are decidedly 1.0, and some even cost money (gasp!), but they all do the job.

Also see our related post: Download Everything: 30+ Firefox Add-ons for Downloading.

Windows Download Managers

AltarSoft Download Manager – Wonderful basic download manager with up to 10 simultaneous downloads. $14.95.

AmazingDown Studio – Claims speeds up to 500% faster than built-in download managers. Includes proxy support, bandwidth limiting, Internet Explorer integration, and many more powerful features. $21.95.

BlackWidow – Great app that scans the site and lists all the links. It will then download them for you. $39.95.

Chrysanth Download Manager – Powerful batch downloader that integrates with Internet Explorer. $29.95.

ConnectFusion – Fast (some sources claim speeds 50% faster than built-in download managers) and easy to use download manager. Free software.

DC-Sakura Boyish-Downloader – Simple manager with a scheduler, file sorter, an option to shutdown after downloading, and Internet Explorer integration. $19.98.

DLExpert – Powerful multithreaded download manager with scheduling, auto shutdown, clipboard integration, Internet Explorer integration, and much more. Freeware.

Download Accelerator Manager – Includes proxy support, a scheduler, an ability to follow redirects, a free space management gauge, an auto shutdown feature, and integration with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Netscape, Mozilla, Avant, and Maxthon. Freeware.

Download Accelerator Plus – Powerful app with advanced tools you won’t find anywhere else, like a file shredder and a cookie/history/temp cleaner. Also integrates with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Netscape, and Mozilla. Freeware (ad-supported).

Download Boost – Basic manager with acceleration up to 400% faster than built-in download managers and some nice features like scheduling and integration with Internet Explorer and Netscape. $19.00.

Download Commander – Nice multithreaded manager with Internet Explorer integration. Freeware.

Download Express – For people with limited computer resources, a small (~680 KB) app that integrates nicely into Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape, SeaMonkey, and Flock. Free for non-commercial use.

DownloadStudio – Download entire websites, streaming audio/video clips, search engine results, and more with this power tool. Integrates into Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Netscape, Mozilla, Maxthon, NetCaptor, and Avant. $39.95.

File Downloader – Small command-line app that can be automated with scripts and batch files. $12.00.

File Rain – Basic download manager that claims speeds up to 800% faster than built-in managers. $19.95.

FlashGet – Powerful manager with support for sequences of files, multiple locations, and site spidering. Also supports the MMS and RTSP media protocols and the BitTorrent and eDonkey P2P protocols. Integrates into Firefox, Opera, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Netscape, Avant, and Maxthon. Freeware.

Free Download Accelerator – Basic program with speeds up to 800% faster than built-in download managers. Freeware (ad-supported).

Fresh Download – A scheduler, clipboard monitor, antivirus scanning, proxy support, ZIP extractor, and integration into Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Netscape, Avant, Maxthon, and Slim Browser are just a few of the features packed into this manager. Freeware.

GetGo – Claims speeds of up to 300% faster than built-in download managers, and includes virus detection and a scheduler. Integrates into Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape, and Flock. $30.00.

GetRight – Includes a scheduler, built-in MD5 and SHA-1 checksums, and BitTorrent, Metalink, and podcasting support. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, and Netscape integration is provided. $16.95/yr.

Gigaget – Auto data integrity validation and correction, MMS, RTSP, and Flash support, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Maxthon integration, and more are included in this great app. Freeware (ad-supported).

iFetcher – Easy to use download manager that works with Internet Explorer. Freeware.

Internet Download Accelerator – Proxy support, plugins, an FTP browser, archive previewing, integration with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Netscape, Mozilla, Maxthon, and NetCaptor, and much more are built into IDA. $29.95.

Internet Download Manager – Supports proxies, redirects, firewalls, and more. Includes both a command-line version and a GUI version. Works with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Netscape, Mozilla, MSN Explorer, Avant, Maxthon, and AOL. $29.95.

LeechGet – LeechGet is one of the easiest to use programs in this list. Don’t let that fool you: it packs in a ton of features, such as automatic downloading, resume of broken downloads, a download timer, automatic hang-up and shutdown, and integration with Internet Explorer, Mozilla, and Opera. Free for personal use.

Mass Downloader – Great batch downloader with support for streaming media and integration with Firefox, Netscape, Mozilla, and Flock. $19.95.

NetLeech – Sports proxy support, file splitting, file filters, file sorting, and Internet Explorer integration. Freeware.

Net Transport – Not only does it support the standard HTTP(S) and (S)FTP protocols, it supports the MMS, RTSP, and PNM streaming media protocols and the eDonkey and BitTorrent P2P protocols. Plus, it integrates with Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera. Freeware.

Orbit Downloader – Social site downloading is the main appeal of this program. It supports HTTP(S), FTP, Metalink, RTSP, PNM, MMS, NSS, RTMP, embedded video from sites like YouTube, music from sites like Pandora, and files from sites like Rapidshare. It works with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Netscape, and Maxthon. Freeware.

ReGet – Has basic, advanced, and expert versions, so there’s something in it for everyone. Integrates into Internet Explorer, Opera, Netscape, Mozilla, NetCaptor, NeoPlanet, and MSN Explorer. $9.95-$29.95.

SimpleDownload – A simple manager with support for features such as file sorting. Freeware.

SoftAtlas Download Accelerator – Provides size counting, tags, filters, categories, file splitting, support for RSS, ATOM, and podcasts, a scheduler, a virus scanner, and a file search tool. Internet Explorer integration available. $16.95.

Star Downloader – Includes categorization, automatic installation of installation programs, automatic extracting of archives, proxy support, and virus scanning. Integrates into Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera. $19.95 (includes a basic free version as well).

TrueDownloader – HTTP/FTP support, proxy support, and ZIP previewing are available with this great app. Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Mozilla integration provided. Free software.

VisualWget – A Wget (see below) front-end with support for skins and Internet Explorer integration. Free software.

WackGet – A minimalistic app that does a great job. Integrates with Internet Explorer. Free software.

Web Excavator – Powerful tool to download entire websites or files from websites. $14.95.

wGetGUI – Simple Wget (see below) front-end. Free software.

WinGet – Claims speeds up to 300% faster than built-in download managers. Integrates with Firefox and Opera. $19.00.

WinWGet – Another Wget (see below) front-end, with features such as clipboard monitoring, threaded downloading, job exporting, predefined user agents, ASP/PHP redirection, multiple FTP file and folder downloading, and bit rate limit. Free software.

YADA (Yet Another Download Accelerator) – Fast manager with drag ‘n’ drop, multithreading, batch downloading, and much more. Freeware.

Macintosh Download Managers

CocoaWget – Simple Cocoa front-end to Wget (see below). Free software.

cURL GUI – Basic AppleScript front-end for cURL (see below). Free software.

Interarchy – Powerful manager that supports (S)FTP, HTTP(S), WebDAV(S), iDisk, and Amazon S3 and includes Growl support, file encoding, Dashboard, Safari integration, and much more. $59.95 ($29.95 upgrade).

Simple cURL – AppleScript GUI for cURL (see below). Free software.

Speed Download – Smart folders, iDisk support, auto add to iTunes, Safari integration, filters, file sharing, and much more are packed inside this power user tool. $25

Linux Download Managers

Downloader for X – Simple Linux download manager. Free software.

Gwget – A Wget (see below) front-end for Gnome with integration with Firefox and Epiphany. Free software.

KGet – Minimalistic manager, but works well with KDE and the Konqueror browser. Free software.

Cross-Platform Download Managers

cURL – A command-line app that supports (S)(T)FTP(S), HTTP(S), SCP, Telnet, DICT, FILE, and LDAP and includes tons of features. Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. Free software.

curl::gui – A simple GUI for cURL. Windows and Linux. Free software.

DownThemAll – Fast and powerful Firefox extension that includes a nice spidering tool. Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. Free software.

FlashGot – Not actually a download manager, the FlashGot Firefox extension will use an existing download manager to grab every type of link you tell it to. Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. Freeware.

Getleft – Batch downloads files using cURL. Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. Free software.

iGetter – Powerful tool with a site explorer, queues, scheduling, and much more. Integrates into Firefox, Mozilla, Safari, and Camino. Windows and Macintosh. $25.

Retriever – Java tool with a scheduler, BitTorrent support, proxy support, mirroring, and an option to execute programs on download. Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. Freeware.

Super Downloader – Fast Java downloader. Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. Freeware.

Urlgfe – Front-end to cURL and Wget. Windows and Linux. Free software.

Wget – Another powerful command-line tool with support for HTTP(S) and FTP, site downloading, proxy support, site spidering, bandwidth limiting, and a whole lot more. Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. Free software.

wget:gui – A nice interface to Wget. Windows and Linux. Free software.

wxDownload Fast – Download splitting, scheduling, organizing, HTTP, FTP, Metalink, and file:///, and MD5 and SHA-1 checksums are all available in this great cross-platform tool. Windows, Macintosh (partial support), and Linux. Free software.

See also:

IPHONE TOOLBOX: 75+ iPhone Resources

30+ WordPress 3-Column Themes

Freelancers’ Toolbox – 30+ Online Freelance Resources

EBAY TOOLBOX: 50+ Tools for eBay Buyers and Sellers

30+ WordPress Plugins To Get More Blog Readers

DOWNLOAD EVERYTHING: 30+ Firefox Add-ons For Downloading Images, Videos & Files

Facebook Powertools: 150+ Apps, Scripts and Add-ons for Facebook

CMS Toolbox: 80+ Open Source Content Management Systems

Make Money Online: 100+ Tools and Resources

Q&A TOOLBOX: 30+ Tools For Questions and Advice

ONLINE STORAGE: 80+ File Hosting and Sharing Sites

Web Development Toolbox: 120+ Web Development Resources

50+ WordPress Plugins for Multimedia

GTD NINJA: 50+ Websites For the Kickass Control Freak

50+ Tools For The WordPress Admin

PDF Toolbox: 40+ Tools to Rip, Mix and Burn PDFs

Web Design Toolbox: 50+ Tools for Web Design

30+ Plugins for WordPress Comments

50+ Tools For Torrenting

ONLINE MEDIA GOD: 400+ Tools for Photographers, Videobloggers, Podcasters & Musicians

Online Maps: 50+ Tools and Resources

Work Together: 60+ Collaborative Tools for Groups

ONLINE PRODUCTIVITY GOD: 400+ Resources To Make You Smarter, Faster & a Demon in the Sack

30+ AJAX-Powered WordPress Plugins

70+ Tools For Job Hunting 2.0

40+ Firefox Add-ons for High Speed Blogging

20 Ways To Aggregate Your Social Networking Profiles

Online Music: 90+ Essential Music and Audio Websites

Podcasting Toolbox: 70+ Podcasting Tools and Resources

Blogging Toolbox: 120+ Resources for Bloggers

14 Personalized Homepages Compared, Feature by Feature

230+ Keyboard Shortcuts for Top Web Services

Online Photography Toolbox: 90+ Online Photography Tools and Resources

Video Toolbox: 150+ Online Video Tools and Resources

Online Productivity Toolbox: 30+ Resources to Get Things Done

The Ultimate RSS Toolbox – 120+ RSS

Chess directory and its best 30 links that you must have it

Chess Programing -A new website that bring You all tools for the chess programing

Autochess  - A new chess directory for tutoring in chess program and chess torunaments – Simple AJAX chess with a great looking interface. – Play with anyone – from a beginner to champion Anatoly Karpov for $30/year (or just play for free on Fridays).

Chess Any Time – Gaming zone with hundreds of players, powered by Java. – Rated games with time limits.

Chesspark – Beautiful online client with a monthly fee. True Ventures agrees, since they just funded them with $1,000,000.

Free Internet Chess Server – With over 300,000 users and a powerful Java interface, it’s no wonder FICS is one of the most popular sites in the world.

Instant Chess – Play against players from anywhere in the world. No registration required.

Internet Chess Club – Play in tournaments, take chess lessons, and much more from one of the most popular chess clubs on the ‘Net.

Morfik Chess – Single or multiplayer AJAX style chess.

MSN Chess – If you don’t mind using IE 6 or higher, you can play real-time chess with anyone with a Windows Live ID.

Yahoo Chess – You’ll have to bypass an annoying ad and open a ton of windows, but Yahoo Chess is one of the biggest chess servers on the web for beginners, intermediates, or masters.


Ajaxplay – Email notification, ratings, and more are built into this powerful AJAX app. – Huge site with a social network, email, coaches, videos, forums, and much more(see coverage here). – Forums, tournaments, championships, teams, and much more are available with this powerful game server.

Chess on the Web – Powerful correspondence server. – Extremely popular chess site with many customizable features.

Free Internet Correspondence Games Server – Win tournaments, rated games, and even play games for money with FICGS.

GE Chess – Ever played chess in Google Earth? Me neither, until I found GE Chess. You can even play online without Google Earth, if you choose to do so.

Instant Chess – Play chess, Fischer chess, or checkers via email.

International Correspondence Chess Federation – Play hundreds of rated international users on the ICCF. – With tournaments, PGN format support, and much more, is a must-have for any chess user.

Queen Alice – Community of international players with ratings, tournaments, and much more.

Red Hot Pawn – With over 100,000 users, clans, notebooks, messaging, and more, Red Hot Pawn is a winner in any chess book. – Popular correspondence site with multiple varieties of chess.


Morfik Chess – Single or multiplayer AJAX style chess.

Thinking Machine – Java engine that graphically displays what it’s thinking about.

TkChess – Java or text engine from Yale.

WebChess – GNU Chess engine online.


Chessbase – Daily news, opinion, chess history, and much more.

Chess Life Magazine – The official magazine of the US Chess Federation.

This Week In Chess – Leo Laporte would probably want these guys to change their name. It’s still a great chess news site for chess afficionados.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Smart games for smart guys

The science is real! Whenever you concentrate, you generate brainwave activity.Mindflex Duel uses a variation of EEG technology to "read" the intensity of these brainwaves via sensors positioned on your forehead and ear. These sensors don't generate or interfere with brainwaves, they only read what is already there. 

The headset transmits a signal to a fan within the console. This fan controls ball levitation. Your brainwaves, in turn, control the power of the fan. The more effectively you concentrate, the stronger the fan blows and the higher the ball floats. Relaxing your mind relaxes the fan's airflow, which lowers the ball.

mind flex games