Saturday, October 8, 2011

Smart games for smart guys

The science is real! Whenever you concentrate, you generate brainwave activity.Mindflex Duel uses a variation of EEG technology to "read" the intensity of these brainwaves via sensors positioned on your forehead and ear. These sensors don't generate or interfere with brainwaves, they only read what is already there. 

The headset transmits a signal to a fan within the console. This fan controls ball levitation. Your brainwaves, in turn, control the power of the fan. The more effectively you concentrate, the stronger the fan blows and the higher the ball floats. Relaxing your mind relaxes the fan's airflow, which lowers the ball.

mind flex games

Friday, September 30, 2011

AutoChess programas y los cheater

AutoChess programas y los cheater (tramposos)

Es la era de las computadoras, donde el hombre ya no busca la competencia de otro hombre, es la competencia de la maquina contra la maquina ,buscando quien es la mas fuerte,mas rapida,mas capaz en todo los aspecto, es el año 2008

Erroneamente calificamos de cheater a los programadores q usan sus pc para jugar en servidores, estan los dos bandos los honrados que te dejan saber,y en tus manos esta la ultima palabra de aceptar el reto y perder un juego ante su maquina,o retirarte ante una segura derrota.

En un segundo plano estan los que se esconden tras su mejor programa y no te dejan saber con quien juegas ,aunque con solo 10-15 jugadas te daras cuenta que ya estas frente a una potente maquina acesina q no bacila en dudar aplastarte en su fribolosa tactica de medio juego,para luego deleitarce en un jugoso ventajoso final de juego

Esos son los cheater (tramposo) los reconoceras por su manera de ser
-Altos elo rating (exageradamente)
-Codigos raros en la sala de juego,o en la mesa
-Sentido de ausencia de la precensia fisica de tu contrincante
-Mismo patron de juego
*Me refiero misma apertura,tanto con Negras como con Blancas,mismo estilo,mismo set de tiempo
-De poco hablar,algunos son demasiados habladores,jactandoce de ser los mejores del circuito de inocente,retroalimentandoce de sus tontos admiradores,q creen que es un GM,IM,FM,pero no son ni de 4ta categoria en un club social

How to Move Chess Games From FICS to Fritz

The majority of Fritz Chess program owners do not know that they can enter their games from FICS quickly and easily. Analyzing games with a strong program like Fritz is a great idea, but it is tedious work to enter each move, one at a time, especially when the game is longer than thirty moves. Instead of taking a half an hour to painstakingly enter each move, a couple of quick keystrokes can accomplish the same thing, and with greater accuracy!

Moderately Easy


    • 1

      Examine a game on FICS, and scroll through to the end of the game. At the last move, type "moves" in the main console and the entire moves list of the game will appear. Select the move list and hold "Ctrl" and "C" at the same time to copy the game.

    • 2

      Open Fritz (any version will work this way, including Chessbase programs) and select the "New Game" icon. This will reset the board to a start position and create a blank moves list window.

    • 3

      Click "Ctrl" and "V" at the same time to paste the game into the new moves window. Now you are free to analyze the game yourself with the engine on, or have Fritz auto-analyze the game for you.

Tips & Warnings

  • Your Fritz may look different than the one pictured, but these steps will work the same.

How to Choose Tablebases in a Fritz Chess Program

Depending on what package your Fritz program came with, there may be several endgame tablebases available. For instance, some use the Namilov-style bases, while Shredder and other engines come with their own bases, written specifically to work best with that package.

Moderately Easy


    • 1

      From the top menu on the screen, go to "Tools > Options ," then click the "Tablebases" tab inside the box that opens up.

    • 2

      Browse your computer files for the tablebases you wish to use and double-click them with the right button on the mouse. This will preload the base or bases you choose into the Fritz chess-playing program.

    • 3

      Choose a number in the "Cache" section of the tablebases box. This number is the amount of megabytes the engine is allowed to set aside specifically for the bases. The bigger the number, the more positions will be stored, but the slower the computer will run.

    • 4

      Click "OK" when all the bases you wish the program to use are highlighted in the boxes. The program will load them into memory, to be used the next time the engine plays a game.

Tips & Warnings

  • The endgame cache should be proportional to the hashtables of the engine, and use about 1/8 to 1/4 of that total number for optimum efficiency. For instance, 8 megabytes of tablebase cache works well with a 64-megabyte hashtable, and so on.

How to Optimize Book Learning Strength in Fritz Chess Program

Computer programs today are getting so advanced, they can actually learn from their mistakes and rewrite their opening books accordingly. Fritz is no exception, and it has many options for book modification, including setting the learning potential at a maximum. This option is especially useful if you regularly challenge other learning engines.

Moderately Easy


Things You'll Need

  • Fritz chess playing program A mouse
    • 1

      Go to the menu at the top of the Fritz program, and choose Tools > Book options. This can also be done by simply hitting the F4 key, which will bring up the opening book options box without having to go to the Tools menu.

    • 2

      Click on the "Optimize" button for maximum learning potential and least variety of play, making it play the strongest moves it knows in a given situation. Click "Normal" for factory settings, which will allow some variety of play and decrease the learning potential, which is best for playing against it as a learning tool. Click the "Handicap" button to activate totally random opening moves, and zero learning potential, weakening the engine substantially.

    • 3

      Change the "Minimum games" and "Up to move" boxes to reflect how many games it takes before the engine permanently changes a move order and how many moves into a chess game the engine will still consider itself in the opening stages.

    • 4

      Click "OK" once all the settings are to your satisfaction, and Fritz will automatically load them every time it starts up, until they are once again changed.

Tips & Warnings

  • You can also left click the sliders in the book options box to make totally custom book learning options.

How to Insert Annotation Notes in Fritz Chess Program

Fritz is a very powerful chess program, and it is extremely beneficial to you as a player to use the program to go over your own tournament or web games. While you are cycling through the moves, something may occur to you that you should jot down for future reference. This can be done (and saved) directly on the Fritz interface; the text will be inserted directly into the move-order window.

Moderately Easy


    • 1

      Open a game from a database or manually enter the moves yourself. The go back to the start of the game and cycle through each move, one by one.

    • 2

      Stop at the move on which you wish to make a note. Hit the "Control" button and the "a" key at the same time. This will open up a dialog box on the interface.

    • 3

      Type into the dialogue box the text that you wish to appear after this move. This can be a note about a better move you found, or about your state of mind at the time--whatever you want. If it is a GM game you are going over, you can simply save comments as you think of them throughout the game.

    • 4

      Click "OK"; the text will appear in the move-order window, directly after the move you were considering. The next time you open this particular game from the database (assuming it is saved), the text will be there.

Tips & Warnings

  • Making a note after every single move of a tournament game can give you a lot of information as you improve. Thought processes, reasoning and ideas can be saved after each move, for convenient study in the future.

How to Auto Analyze a Chess Game in Fritz

How to Auto Analyze a Chess Game in Fritzthumbnail
Auto Analyze a Chess Game in Fritz

If you have and use Fritz, you may already know that you can analyze any chess position at any time from any game you are viewing. Did you know, however, that you can have Fritz automatically analyze and make comments on the current viewed game? You can even set the time allowed to analyze per move, so it can be a quick analysis or take hours for a full and complete look at the game.

Moderately Easy


    • 1

      Go to the menu at the top of the screen and choose “Tools.” Then scroll down to the first option, which is “Analysis.” This will bring up a sub-menu with more choices for game analysis.

    • 2

      Choose “Full Analysis…” when the sub-menu appears. This whole process can also be done by typing "Ctrl" and "Y" at the same time, but I recommend using the mouse until you are very familiar with the program, because each menu shows you other options, as well.

    • 3

      Fill in the analysis boxes according to how you wish Fritz to go over the chess game. The top box (in the red circle for image) is the Calculation time you would like Fritz to take for each move, in minutes. The stock setting is five minutes per move, but you can make that longer or shorter. The next box is the Threshold setting (located in the orange circle for the image). This box literally tells Fritz what to consider a blunder, in hundreds. For instance, 300 would be 3 pawns worth of material lost, or a major blunder. Default is 30, which will detect very minor blunders and report on them. The third box (in the green circle) is the move you would like to analyze from. Fritz analyzes chess games backwards, so in most cases put the number of the LAST move of the game in the box, if Fritz doesn’t put it there automatically. In the right columns you can choose how Fritz outputs the analysis (default is Graphical and Verbose, with opening references) and which side to analyze, or both. Finally, click “OK” and Fritz will begin the chess game analysis.

Read more: How to Auto Analyze a Chess Game in Fritz |